AAP’s chief ministerial candidate for Punjab will be state’s pride: Raghav Chadha

The Aam Aadmi Party”s Punjab Party leader Raghav Chadha said the chief ministerial candidate would be from the state and he would be someone who can be called the state’s pride.

With assembly elections in Punjab being held early next year, AAP is all set to win the battle and has already promised 300 units of electricity free to the people of the state if the next government is formed.

AAP’s Punjab co-in-charge Chadha said in an interview that the people of the state want to give a chance to the Arvind Kejriwal-led party in the next elections as the Akali Dal has become “irrelevant”, while the Congress has rejected Punjab’s electoral politics. There has been the most “Nickmi Sarkar” (useless government) ever in history.

He said the political affairs committee would decide the party’s chief ministerial candidate for Punjab in due course.

On the possibility of AAP MP and party’s Punjab unit president Bhagwant Mann being elected, he said time and time again, “I can say only three characteristics of AAP’s CM candidate. One is that he will be from the state of Punjab. He will be among the 28 million population of Punjab and the third person who can be called the “Aan Baan Shan” (Proud) of Punjab.

Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal had said in June that the party’s chief ministerial face for the 2022 Punjab Assembly elections would be from the Sikh community.

On reports that Mann’s supporters want him to be nominated as the CM candidate, Chadha said, “All are supporters of Kejriwal and the Kejriwal model of governance. I don’t want to comment on individuals, but vote is for Jhadoo.” (party symbol) and for Kejriwal”.

Party sources said several AAP workers are holding meetings in Sangrur and Barnala districts and pressuring the party leadership to choose Mann as the chief ministerial face.

Talking about the political situation in Punjab, Chadha claimed that the Akali Dal is gradually becoming “irrelevant” as people hold “extreme hatred” for Badal’s party and want it to be defeated.

As far as Congress is concerned, he is on “suicide mission and self-destruct mode” and does not need opposition. They are their own opposition and people are just waiting for AAP and elections to happen, he said.

On Amarinder Singh’s resignation as Chief Minister on Saturday, Chadha said that the Congress party’s ‘Game of Thrones’ government has suffered the most in Punjab.

“The people of Punjab are yearning for change. They feel that they have tried everyone and now only AAP is their hope and they want to try AAP, they want to vote for AAP and are relying on Kejriwal’s model of governance in Delhi which lasted six years. displayed over the years. .

Chadha said that when he asked the people of the state who would they vote for in the next election, he replied that they want to give a chance to AAP this time.

On the impact of the ongoing farmer protests on the elections, Chadha alleged that all three parties – the BJP, the Congress and the Akali Dal – have “betrayed” Indian farmers and “stabbed them in the back”.

“I do not look at farmers’ protest through the prism of politics and it would be unfair for anyone to do so but I can say with certainty that the BJP is not even a player in Punjab because of the implementation of these three laws. Akali Dal Hate It is because they were the people who brought this law because Harsimrat Kaur Badal being a minister in the union cabinet proposed this law and hated the Captain (Amarinder Singh) also because he was part of the drafting committee of these laws.

He said, “AAP and its leader Arvind Kejriwal has stood by the farmers all the time and has stood firmly with them and will work for the welfare and upliftment of the farming community.”

Asked whether AAP will benefit from the Akali Dal’s vote bank, he claimed that everyone will vote for AAP, not just those who are traditionally Akali Dal or Congress voters.

“All these divisions and classifications are not going to work this time. Like when elections are held, people of every caste, creed and religion in Delhi vote for Arvind Kejriwal. Similarly, they will vote for Kejriwal in Punjab.”

Talking about the party’s vision for Punjab, Chadha said the reforms that have been done in the national capital will be carried out in Punjab as well.

“With full sincerity and dedication we will work towards making Punjab “Happy” and to realize our dream of “Rangala Punjab” (vibrant and colourful) due to unemployment, debt trap of the state, upliftment and upliftment of farmers will work to solve the problem. Giving them their due, working for the landless labourers, making it easier to do business for the business community and traders, completely reforming the power and water sector.

The party will also strive to bring an affordable and accessible healthcare system along with world class education in primary and secondary schools in Punjab.

In 2017, AAP emerged as the main opposition party in the state by winning 20 of the 117 assembly seats. The Congress had won 77 seats while the Shiromani Akali Dal and BJP’s alliance won 18 seats.

Assembly elections in Punjab are to be held in 2022.


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