AAP candidate Labh Singh’s mother captured the broom

The defeat of outgoing Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi from Bhadaur constituency is one of the many surprises in the Punjab Assembly elections at the hands of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Labh Singh, a small-time mobile shop owner and an unlikely candidate, took on Channi and won by over 37,000 votes.

Although Labh Singh has now garnered fame with the win, his mother Baldev Kaur will continue her modest job of a contractual sweeper in a government school in her native village Ugoke in Barnala district. In her late fifties, Baldev Kaur says she has clearly told her legislator son that she will not quit her job.

“The broomstick was with us when running the house was a compulsion and now that Jharu has immediately identified us with our son winning the assembly elections, it will remain a part of our lives,” she said. times of India,

Baldev on March 11, a day after his son Labh Singh emerged as the AAP’s candidate, was on his way to Mohali to attend a legislature party meeting in Mohali after defeating the incumbent chief minister. But when she came, everyone was surprised, where was God Mann. You were elected the leader of the legislature party.

“I am extremely happy that my son has won this victory, that too by defeating the incumbent Chief Minister but I will continue to discharge my duty,” he said. For me, it is a way of life. My earning from the job helps in running the household.” times of India Quoting Baldev.

Coming from a humble background, Labh Singh rejected the notion that only people from wealthy or political families could contest elections. His father is a driver, his wife is a seamstress, and he ran a mobile repair shop before joining AAP as a volunteer in 2013. Since his family did not have the necessary funds for the election campaign, his friends and well-wishers joined in.

12th pass, Labh Singh was confident of his victory from day one. He had accused Channi of wearing the “mask of the aam aadmi (common man)”. “There are 74 villages in my constituency and I know the problems of every village. For me Bhadaur is not a light but my family. Channi sahib does not even know the names of 10 villages of Bhadaur seat.

The family hopes for a better future, but luxury is not part of their plans. Baldev Kaur said that electoral victory will not change her fortunes. “We don’t think our fortunes will change in a big way as Labh Singh will work honestly and run our household with the money we earn from a day’s work honestly,” he said.

Labh Singh’s wife Virpal Kaur said that she would continue to work as usual, contribute financially to the household and take care of her family. His father, Darshan Singh, is a bit uncomfortable with the limelight and people flock to his door to congratulate Labh Singh. “We are poor people and even though benefits have given a new meaning to our lives, we are happy with the way we are living,” he said. times of India,

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