Aadhaar Address Change: How Many Times Can You Update Address On Aadhaar Card?

To update your address in Aadhaar, you can visit the official website of UIDAI or visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) or Aadhaar Enrollment Centre.

To update your address in Aadhaar, you can visit the official website of UIDAI or visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) or Aadhaar Enrollment Centre.

The Unique Identification Authority of India recommends that you update your address in Aadhaar only when you have a valid reason to do so.

Aadhaar number is a 12 digit unique identification number issued by the government to residents of India based on their biometric and demographic data. Aadhaar card serves as proof of identity and address for various purposes, such as opening a bank account, applying for a passport or driving license, getting a mobile connection, and receiving government subsidies and welfare benefits.

Can you change the address on Aadhaar card?

Yes, you can change the address on Aadhaar card. As of now, there is no limit on the number of times you can change your address in Aadhaar. However, this has to be done by submitting the required documents.

UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) recommends that you update your address in Aadhaar only if you have a valid reason to do so.

Which fields can you update in Aadhaar?

demographic informationName, address, date of birth/age, gender, mobile number, email address, relationship status and consent to share information

biometric information: iris, fingerprints and face picture

Can you update date of birth (DOB) in Aadhaar?

Yes. You can update the Date of Birth (DOB) in your Aadhaar only once. Beyond limits, it will be treated as an exceptional case. Cases exceeding the above limit will be treated as exceptional cases. In such cases, the resident can place an update request at the Aadhaar center and then approach the concerned Regional Office of UIDAI for approval of the update under the exception. The request will be approved/rejected after due diligence by the authorized officials. You can update the Date of Birth (DOB) in your Aadhaar with a valid Date of Birth (DOB) proof bearing your name.

How to update address on Aadhaar?

To update your address in Aadhaar, you can visit the official website of UIDAI or visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) or Aadhaar Enrollment Centre. To update your address in Aadhaar you need to submit a valid proof of address document, and the update process may take a few days to reflect in your Aadhaar details. It is important to keep your Aadhaar details updated, especially your address, as it is used as a proof of identity and address for various purposes.

How can you update demographic details in Aadhaar?

As mentioned above, there are 2 different ways you can update your details:-

1. By visiting the nearest Enrollment Centre. Find the nearest Enrollment Center by clicking on “Find an Enrollment Center” on the uidai.gov.in website.

2. Online using MyAadhaar – Online Demographic Update Service.

Why is there a need to update demographic data?

Changes in life events such as marriage may require residents to change their basic demographic details such as name and address. Address and mobile number may also change due to migration to new places. Residents want change in their relative details due to change in their life events like marriage, death of a relative etc. In addition, residents may have other personal reasons for changing their mobile number, email address, etc.

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