A strange new world but we are on our feet thinking, learning. Gurgaon News – Times of India

by Deep Sengupta

Star Trek was the introductory presenter when it came to “Strange New Worlds”.
The pandemic has taken a lot of humanity there. Who would have thought that in the span of a year and a half, we would face one of the most defining existential crises in remembered history, challenging humanity’s worldview of being master of the universe.
lockdown, WFH, spo2, oximeter, adenoid vectors, vaccine adjuvants, anti-bodies, RT-PCR, case fatality ratio: It seems as though we are all now assimilating, in a strange foreign language, to the apparent concern of the outside world. Like lonely travelers plunging into the vastness of space, we are all in our homes, in our life pods hoping to make landfall safely. And the irony of irony – humans, social animals, comrades in ancient campfires, friends of later days in downtown bars, have been asked to maintain social distancing. The symptom of this new normal is the common sense that “dystopia” is the most searched word in our times.
But all is not lost.
Historian EH Carr has defined history as the endless dialogue between the past and the present. Recognizing that history is the negotiator between times, we can listen and perhaps better understand our position and its prospects.
spanish flu The pandemic of 1918, at the end of World War I, was devastating in its impact and spread. About 500 million people were infected and the official casualties are said to be 25-50 million. Needless to say, economies and communities across continents were devastated by this insidious and dangerous disease for which no diagnosis or treatment existed.
Yet, from this great human tragedy, this illusion of despair, a better future gleamed.
When the virus was finally controlled by 1921, a new focus was placed on epidemiology. In the US, a national disease reporting system was established. Several governments introduced social medicine and strengthened health ministries, and an international bureau – the precursor to today’s World Health Organization – was established in recognition of the need for coordination beyond national boundaries. These were transformational initiatives that would impact lives as the arrow of time went down a century.
And so here we are in 2020-21 facing a pandemic. Unparalleled digital skills as well as unparalleled connectivity have been hired. Warp speed vaccines; Distillers manufacturing hand sanitizers using 3D printers to overcome ventilator shortages; innovation in testing and front-line equipment; Apps keep track of viruses and force-multiplier assets and information; The social media giant is creating a force-field against the spread of misinformation.
And brands, with the urgency of the times, are using their immense powers of persuasion to sanitize their loyal base, maintain social distancing, mask up, vaccinate and believe in recovery and redemption – from 3.5 billion in the world of more consumers, brands In one that has earned the trust of consumers, the Jedi warriors of the market are rallying to strike back.
And call them and us us, citing another classic: “May the force be with you”.

The author is Head (North) and Chief Growth Officer, Creativeland Asia


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