A bungalow built for birds is unique: 3 thousand birds will be able to live in the 7-storey tower, 24-hour food and water; 8 lakhs spent

Nagaur27 minutes ago

A 7 floor bungalow for birds has been prepared in the country’s first pigeon shed in Nagaur. In this, according to different floors and flats, there is a living arrangement for about 3 thousand birds together. Food and water will be arranged for them for 24 hours at the stand made below.

About 8 lakh rupees have been spent on this 65 feet high 7 floor bird house built by Chanchaldevi Balchand Lunavat Trust, Ajmer in Peh village. Now on January 26, saints of Jain society will inaugurate it.

Pigeons munching on grain in a graveyard located in Peh village of Nagaur district.

Pigeons munching on grain in a graveyard located in Peh village of Nagaur district.

The country’s first pigeon house built with one crore rupees is also here
The country’s first well-organized pigeon shed is also being operated in Peh village, situated at the foothills of Aravalli hills in Nagaur district. Now this 7-floor tower has been made for other birds in this pigeon shed complex. With the inspiration of Jain saint Roop Muni, members of Shri Vardhman Guru Kamal Kanhaiya Vinay Seva Samiti Peeh and a team of 18-20 youths had built a pigeon shed here.

The pigeon shed, built on two bighas of land costing one crore from Bhamashah (donors), has a park for children to play and a prayer room for the elderly. In the morning and evening, the elders of the village gather together and perform bhajan kirtan after feeding the pigeons. 400 trees and saplings have also been planted, out of which 100 are of Ashoka. The pigeon house was inaugurated by Jain saints Roop Muni and Vinay Muni on 14 January 2014. On an average 5-6 sacks of paddy are fed to pigeons daily.

Water pools have also been made here for pigeons.  Paddy in pigeon shed comes from Ajmer Mandi.

Water pools have also been made here for pigeons. Paddy in pigeon shed comes from Ajmer Mandi.

Three lakhs spent every month in grain and water
President Nathmal Duggad said that at present the pickup vehicle in the pigeon shed brings paddy from Ajmer Mandi 4-7 times every month. Its estimated cost is three lakh rupees per month. Now with the creation of a bird house, the consumption of food and water for the birds in the pigeon shed will also increase. He said that apart from the bird house, a water pool has also been constructed for the birds to drink water. For the first several years, water was being arranged through tankers, but only recently, boring has been done in the pigeon shed itself.

This system for saving and spending
The amount coming through the trust in the pigeonhole is deposited directly into the bank account by making an FD. The principal amount is never used. The interest earned from the bank on FD is spent only. At present Rs 50 lakh is deposited in the bank account.

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