90-year-old Belgian woman dies after being infected with two COVID-19 variants at the same time

New Delhi: With reports of multiple variants of the corona virus coming in from different parts of the world and making the pandemic situation worse every day, a new case has emerged that has left the scientific community on edge. In a rare case, a 90-year-old Belgian woman has been found to be the first documented case where two different types of SARS-CoV-2 virus were detected in the patient at the same time.

It may seem strange how two types can infect a person at the same time.

What is a double infection case?

According to Reuters, both alpha and beta variants were found in the woman infected in March this year. The alpha version was first discovered in the UK while the beta version was discovered in South Africa respectively.

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The nongenerian died five days after being admitted to the hospital.

His unique case also became the focus of discussion at the annual European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

However, a woman undergoing treatment at a hospital in Alst near Brussels was not vaccinated. Belgium, like most of the European Union, faced vaccine delivery problems in early 2021, which led to a gradual roll-out of the vaccination programme.

Experts agree that cases of “dual infection”, where two types of virus are found in one person at the same time, may be rare, but this should not be surprising.

Should you be worried?

This is not the first time such a case has come to the fore. Earlier in January, scientists in Brazil reported that two people were simultaneously infected with two different types of coronavirus. of which the gamma variant was first identified in Brazil and a variant currently under investigation was discovered in Rio Grande do Sul. However, the study has not yet been published in a scientific journal.

While such an incident cannot be avoided, the chances of a double infection as reported by experts in the Indian Express report are slim. The main reason for this is that an infected person does not infect everyone they come in contact with. Therefore, a person comes into contact with more than one infected person within a short period of time, and the chances of getting infected with all the viruses are statistically low.

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