88-year-old Michael Caine, squash speculator, says he hasn’t retired

Dismissing speculation of his retirement, 88-year-old Michael Caine, best known to a generation of “Batman” fans for playing Alfred, the butler of billionaire Bruce Wayne in solitude “I haven’t retired and many haven’t. People know it.”

Talk about his retirement began when he was told that Lena Rosler’s comedy-drama Best Sellers “became the last part of me, really”. His representatives, however, confirmed to Variety that Kane is not retiring. Sources close to the actor said that he is currently reviewing two scripts for upcoming projects.

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“With regards to retirement, I’ve spent over 50 years getting up at 6 a.m. to make movies, and I can’t seem to get rid of my alarm clock!” Kane said in a statement to Variety.

Speaking to BBC Radio’s program ‘Kermode and Mayo’s Film Reviews’, Kane said that he hadn’t worked for two years and was suffering from “a spinal problem that affects my legs, so I’m very Can’t walk well.”

Kane continued: “And I also wrote a book, a few books that were published and successful. So, I’m not an actor anymore, I’m a writer. Who’s beautiful as an actor, you have to get that.” Waking up at 6:30 in the morning to go to the studio. As a writer, you can start writing without leaving the bed!”

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