7,282 pilgrims leave for Amarnath Dham from Jammu

amarnath yatra, amarnath yatra 2022, amarnath, jammu
Image Source: PTI

Jammu: Pilgrims board bus to leave for Amarnath Yatra 2022 at Ram Mandir base camp

Amarnath Yatra: Amid tight security, the sixth batch of over 7,200 pilgrims on Monday left for the double base camps of the 3,880-metre-high cave shrine of Amarnath in the south Kashmir Himalayas, officials said. A total of 7,282 pilgrims left Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas in a convoy of 332 vehicles amid tight security of CRPF, officials said.

Of these, 5,866 are males, 1,206 females, 22 are children, 179 are Sadhus and 9 are Sadhvis. He said that 2,901 pilgrims going to Baltal first left at 3.40 am in 150 vehicles, followed by another convoy of 182 vehicles carrying 4,381 pilgrims for Pahalgam.

The annual 43-day yatra began on June 30 from two base camps – the traditional 48-km Nunwan-Pahalgam in south Kashmir’s Anantnag and the 14-km small Baltal in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal.

Officials said that till date, over 52,000 pilgrims had offered their prayers at the cave temple, which had a naturally formed ice-shivalingam.

The yatra is scheduled to end on August 11, on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan.

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