70 session venues to be set up today | Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: Health department has decided to form 70 governments session venue Of these sites for vaccination on Saturday, Cowishield will be administered at 60 sites, covaxin at nine sites and Sputnik V on a site. The city received 14,000 CoveShield doses on Friday and aims to hold more sessions for those receiving the second dose.
A total of 14,219 people in the age group of 18-44 were vaccinated on Friday. In the over 45 class, 2,927 people took shots. 118 healthcare staff and 623 frontline workers also got jobs. In total, 17,887 jabs were administered. On Friday, 5,039 recipients were vaccinated at government immunization sites, while 12,848 shots were administered at private immunization centres. A total of 11,446 first doses and 6,441 second doses were given on Friday.
5 new cases in the city
Meanwhile, the city saw five fresh cases of COVID-19 Taking the caseload on Friday to 1,80,933, of which 79 are active cases. The positivity rate is 0.1%. Eight people also recovered, taking the total number of cured people to 1,79,934.


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