6 Vitamins Women Must Make Sure In Their Diet To Stay Healthy

Be it a housewife or a working woman, they are often too focused on taking care of others. And in this, they often neglect their health as well. However, it is high time that they start taking equal care of themselves.

So all ladies take note of these vitamins, which you must include in your diet to stay healthy.

Vitamin B6 and Vitamin D

According to a report published in Medicalnewstoday, nutritional deficiencies are common among women aged 19 to 50, lactating mothers and pregnant women. The most common deficiency is vitamin B6 and vitamin D. To avoid these, women of this age should take 15 mg of vitamin D. At the same time, vitamin B6 requires about 1.3 mg per day, 1.9 mg during pregnancy and 2 mg per day. day for lactating women.


Iodine is essential for the development of the unborn baby. According to a national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2012, women aged 20-39 had lower iodine levels than any other age group in the study.

Women of this age need 150 milligrams of iodine daily, 220 milligrams for pregnant women, and 290 milligrams for women who are breastfeeding. However, it is not recommended to use iodine supplements without a doctor’s advice as it can harm thyroid health.


During the reproductive years, folate, also known as vitamin B9, is essential. This reduces the chances of difficulties in the brain and spinal cord of the fetus. It further helps in the formation of red blood cells and digestion of proteins. If you are pregnant, do not let the lack of Vitamin B9 in your body overwhelm you.


Iron deficiency mostly affects women. Iron is a mineral that is essential for the healthy functioning of the reproductive organs. It also helps in the creation of energy in the body, healing of wounds, immune function, formation, development of red blood cells, etc. Women ages 19 to 50 need 18 milligrams of calcium per day.

vitamin C

Vitamin C improves the immune system, which protects you from a variety of infections and disorders. Apart from this, adding foods rich in Vitamin C to your diet regularly also keeps your skin, hair and eyes healthy.

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