55-year-old dies in police custody in Sant Kabir Nagar, SHO suspended Lucknow News – Times of India

The woman, who was admitted to the trauma center of King George’s Medical College in critical condition and on ventilator, died on Monday.

Gorakhpur: A 55-year-old man of Shiv Bakhri village of Bakhira police station area of ​​Sant Kabir Nagar district of UP was picked up by the police on July 24 in a case against his son and kept in lockup. He died in the district hospital on Tuesday night for several days.
The Superintendent of Police (SP) of Sant Kabir Nagar suspended Bakhira police station in-charge, after which his family alleged that he was beaten up by the police for three days, after which his condition deteriorated and he was admitted to the hospital.
Senior administrative and police officials reached the hospital, where the family members were holding a sit-in and assured strict action against the culprits after receiving the postmortem report.
On July 21, Ashok Kumar, son of victim Bahraichi Prasad, had allegedly eloped with a girl from his village.
The girl’s family lodged a police complaint against her but the case was not registered.
However, on July 24, for the recovery of the girl, the police had picked up Ashok’s father Bahraichi and kept him in the lockup.
The report said that the victim’s family accused the police of assault in the name of interrogation and on Tuesday night when his condition became critical, they took him to the hospital where he died.
After his death, the police fled from the hospital leaving his body.
Sant Kabir Nagar SP Kaustubh said on Wednesday, “A panel of doctors has been formed to conduct the postmortem of Bahrichi Prasad. Necessary action will be taken after receiving its report.”
“However, Bakhira SHO Manoj Kumar Singh has been suspended. In his place, Kante police station in-charge Chandan Kumar has been sent as in-charge to Bakhira police station.



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