54 die so far in UP’s Ballia due to ‘heatstroke’

New Delhi: In Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia, 54 people died allegedly due to ‘heatstroke’ in the last three days. However, most of those who died were above 60 years of age.

As per media reports, health officials have informed that Ballia is reeling under extreme heat and people unable to bear the temperature, are getting hospitalized due to ill health.

Considering the death toll, the Uttar Pradesh government ordered an inquiry into the matter, a committee headed by two director-level health department officials was constituted and sent to Ballia to find out the cause of the deaths.

Meanwhile, Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. Diwakar Singh was removed from his post because he “made reckless statements on heatstroke deaths without proper information,” The Indian Express reported.

With the increase in the number of patients, the medical staff has been increased in the hospital, while arrangements for fans, coolers and air conditioners have been made.