5 Traditional Kashmiri Beauty Tips To Get Healthy And Glowing Skin

The beauty of the Kashmiri people is as famous as the spectacular landscape of Kashmir. Although the Kashmiri environment is the most important factor in the lifestyle and diet of the people, they also use many ancient practices to keep their skin glowing.

If you also want to glow then try these Kashmiri beauty secrets. These procedures do not contain any chemicals and are very good for the skin.

skin glow with saffron

Saffron is widely used by Kashmiris. It not only gives the complexion a natural pink tint but also helps to protect it from free radicals.

The antioxidant content of saffron also helps in keeping the skin youthful for a long time. In a few days, if you mix it with milk and apply it on your face with cotton, then your face will glow.

Almonds can help you get perfect skin.

Almonds are rich in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, copper and phosphorus and help restore skin and cells from within. It contains vitamin E, which helps to lighten blemishes. Almonds can be ground and mixed with honey and milk and applied on the skin.

Use Kashmiri garlic to get rid of acne.

Kashmiri garlic contains vitamins B1, B6, C and copper, all of which help in treating acne on the skin. It absorbs excess oil and prevents pimples on the skin.

kahwa for youthful skin

Kahwa is excellent for strengthening immunity and giving a rosy glow to the complexion. Your skin looks healthy and stays youthful for a long time.

Walnuts to remove dead skin

Walnuts are high in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and they all benefit the skin. To do this, prepare a paste by mixing walnut powder with honey and rose water. Now use it as a face scrub to get rid of dead skin and help in glowing skin.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi News18 does not confirm the same. Please consult the concerned expert before applying these.)

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