5 Symptoms To Look Out For If You Are Suffering From Lung Infection

Our respiratory health can deteriorate due to a number of factors, such as inhalation of toxic agents and harmful lifestyle habits such as smoking. This year, there has been an increase in the number of patients complaining of shortness of breath in hospitals. At the beginning of winter, there is a thick layer of suspended particles in the air, which leads to an increase in respiratory problems. It is important to know about the symptoms of lung infection before they can lead to complications in the body. According to Healthline.com, these are the symptoms to expect in case of a lung infection.


Normal body temperature is usually around 98.6°F (37°C). A fever occurs when the body is trying to fight off an infection, and in this case the fever can rise to 105°F (40.5°C). If the fever goes above 102°F (38.9°C) or if it lasts for more than three days, it is high time that the person should consult a doctor.

difficulty breathing

Breathlessness is simply described as the terrifying sensation of being unable to breathe or feeling suffocated.

crackle in lungs

Another sign of a lung infection is a crackling sound at the base of the lungs, also known as bibasilar crackles. The doctor can listen to these crackling sounds with the help of a stethoscope. These sounds will occur when the tiny air sacs in the lungs fill with fluid and there is movement of air in the sacs.

sharp chest pain

Stabbing chest pain is caused by a medical condition known as pleurisy. This condition causes inflammation of the lining of your lungs. It becomes more painful when the person breathes or coughs. Some common causes of these chest pains are viral or bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases, and lung infections.

cough that produces thick mucus

People who suffer from medical conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia will have a cough that produces thick mucus with a distinct color. These colors can range from white, green to yellowish brown.

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