5 Homemade Face Cleansers That Will Enhance Your Skin Tone

Ever since the way working has gone remote due to COVID-19, people have started paying extra attention to their bodies both internally and externally. From eating immunity-boosting food to exercising and doing yoga, people are adopting a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, people want to take care of their looks as well, so skincare and haircare have become quite popular. As far as skin care is concerned, people are still using chemical based products on their face.

Instead of paying big bucks for a skincare treatment or a plethora of beauty products in the market, there are a number of home remedies that you can try.

Cleansing is an important part of your skincare routine, so we bring you five homemade cleansers:

1. Milk

The lactic acid present in milk, which can remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, makes it a perfect cleanser. First, dip a cotton ball into the milk, squeeze out the excess milk from the cotton, and apply it evenly (in a circular motion) to your face. After some time wash it off with lukewarm water. You can repeat this daily for clean and nourished skin.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and nutrients beneficial for the skin. If you are looking for smooth, soft and matte looking skin, then apply half a sliced ​​tomato on your face, leave it on for 5-10 minutes and wash it off.

3. Honey

Many skin-brightening treatments or face washes strip away natural oils, however, honey does not reduce them. It is full of antioxidants; Hence it not only brightens your skin but also removes acne. You don’t need to mix honey with anything, take half a teaspoon of raw honey and massage it gently on damp skin. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Do not rub the towel while wiping your face, pat dry.

4. Potato

Potatoes can provide your skin with the desired iron and vitamin C. It can help you treat blemishes, dark spots, sunburns, fine lines and dull skin. Extract some juice from a medium sized potato, apply it on your face massaging it in circular motion. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash off when it dries.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar not only helps in reducing weight and boosting metabolism but also improves your skin tone. It helps to make your face glowing and removes acne. But before you use it on your skin, do a patch test to make sure whether it suits your skin or not. Take ACV and add water to it, the ratio should be 1:2. Apply a few drops on your face and gently massage it on your face. After a few minutes wash your face with cold water.

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