5 Healthy Habits That Will Help You Sleep Well At Night – Check Dos And Don’ts

The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be stressed enough. There is growing evidence of how poor sleep can negatively affect health, which can lead to serious health problems in the long run. About 8 hours of sound sleep is needed to repair and rejuvenate the body and prepare us for the next day. In today’s stressful life, many people do not get deep sleep. For this, many changes in lifestyle are necessary. While it is important to wear comfortable sleepwear, it is also necessary to say no to certain practices, such as scrolling on your mobile phone or tablet in bed. Kiruba Devi, Head of Category and Sourcing, Zivame, shares some basic tips that can ensure good sleep. Let’s look at them.

how to enjoy a deep night’s sleep

Kiruba Devi tells about 5 healthy habits you can follow before sleeping:

1. Shut down your devices

Late night using your phone, a tab, or watching a show on your laptop? These devices emit blue light which lowers the melatonin levels in your body. Melatonin is essential for your sleep and wakefulness. If the level of melatonin in your body drops, you will find it difficult to stay awake. What’s more, using a device before bedtime can keep your brain alert and functioning, making it difficult for you to fall asleep. So make it a habit to stop using electronic devices before sleeping. It’s also important to wear comfortable sleepwear before hitting the sack.

2. Create a Bedtime Routine

Ever thought about a bedtime routine before? Well, it helps you sleep better. Meditate for a few minutes before sleeping, it will help to calm your mind. If not, you can also do some gentle stretches. There will be less tension in your muscles. You can also take a hot water bath before sleeping. It relaxes your body, mind and makes you feel light. Once you’re in bed, listen to some soft music and focus on your breathing.

Also read: Yoga Asanas And Meditation Techniques To Beat Insomnia, Stress And Sleep Better

3. Watch what you eat and drink

Are you having coffee or a piece of cake before sleeping? Then get ready to stay awake the night. What food goes into your body can affect the quality of your sleep to a great extent. Have a light meal before sleeping. Going to bed hungry or feeling full will make you uncomfortable and unable to sleep. Try to avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine before bed. They reduce the quality of your sleep overall.

Also Read: 5 Foods You Should Avoid Eating Before Bedtime – Check Out The Complete List

4. Turn on White Noise or Pink Noise

Are you a light sleeper? Does even the slightest sound wake you up at night? Try white noise to reduce background noise. It’s soothing and distracts you from other sounds. If you’re not a fan of white noise, try pink noise. Pink noise filters out the higher frequencies of white noise. This creates warm tones that mimic wave movements. You can also find pink noise on platforms like Spotify and YouTube.

5. Wear Comfortable Sleepwear

What you wear when you sleep can go a long way in ensuring quality sleep. As Kiruba Devi says, she has a collection of gold clothes. Be it pajama sets and nightdresses for women, sleep tops, robes and shrugs, there is a wide range of comfortable clothing available that is suitable to ensure a sound sleep. Good sleep is a good way to give rest to our mind and body. The sleepwear adds a snug and cozy touch to your bedtime routine.

4 things to avoid to ensure a good night’s sleep

Try avoiding the following habits to get a good night’s sleep, says Kiruba Devi:

  1. A post-lunch nap may sound pricey but avoid it if you want to get a good night’s sleep
  2. Avoid high calorie food at night. You may be hungry, or you’re a major eater. But for a good night’s sleep it is better to avoid them as it affects the quality of your sleep.
  3. Avoid all kinds of strenuous exercise that will activate your body and mind. It can have the opposite effect of stimulating functioning and keeping you awake.
  4. Try to avoid heavy or intense conversations before bed. The more you talk, the more active and awake you are.