5 doctors in the race for the post of PGI director: Advertisement is only 6 months late, so new director will be available in 2022, current director Prof. Jagatram’s retirement on October 31

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  • Supporter. Jagatram will be the director-in-charge, will be posted or will get extension, doubts will remain

ChandigarhOne hour ago

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Doubt remains on the posting of new director in PGI Chandigarh till 31 October. The biggest reason for this is that the process of posting a new director has started six months late. According to the rules, the advertisement which was issued in September 2021 under the new director’s posting process, should have been issued in April-2021 itself. Due to the delay in issuing the advertisement, there is doubt about the posting of the new director till October 31.

The current director of PGI, Prof. Jagatram is retiring on 31 October 2021. In such a situation, the round of discussions in PGI is fast. Sources say that it is almost certain that the new director will now be posted only in 2022. Before that Prof. Jagatram will either be given extension or responsibility as a senior in-charge.

PGI Director Jagat Ram.  file photo.

PGI Director Jagat Ram. file photo.

According to the advertisement issued by the PGI administration for the new director in September, eligible candidates can apply till October 15. The five doctors who are being considered as strong contenders for the new director of PGI are Surjit Singh, HOD Professor of Pediatric Department of PGI, Yashpaul Sharma, Head Professor, Department of Cardiology, Sanjeev Handa, Head and Professor, Department of Dermatology, Professor Meenu Singh, Department of Telemedicine. and GD Puri, Head and Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care.

Padma Shri From honored done Go have passed Pro. Jagatram
The current director of PGI, Prof. Jagatram has received the Padma Shri award. The Government of India gave him this honor in 2019. Recently he was awarded the Fellowship of the All India Collegium of Ophthalmology (FAICO) award. Padma Shri, who joined PGI in the year 1985, Prof. Jagatram became director in 2017. He has been a member of the Board of Governors of MCI since October 2018 and has also received the distinguished Padma Shri award in 2019.

Pro. Jagatram did his MBBS degree from Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla in 1978 and MS in Ophthalmology from PGI Chandigarh in June 1982. He was later awarded a WHO Fellowship in the field of Advanced Phacoemulsification at Storm Eye Institute USA. Awarded another fellowship in Pediatric Cataract Surgery in 1998. The Government of India deputed him as Consultant Ophthalmologist from 2003 to 2005.

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