5 Dinner Recipes To Stop Midnight Cravings. Wait, They Help In Weight Loss Too

Last Update: January 06, 2023, 08:17 AM IST

You can also add some boiled chicken to your sandwich for extra flavor.

You can also add some boiled chicken to your sandwich for extra flavor.

Here are 5 dinner recipes you don’t have to stop by for your weight loss journey:

When trying to shed a few inches, people often turn their attention to diet-conscious snacks. What they forget is that dinner is as important as any other meal. Eating a hearty dinner not only helps you sleep better, but it can also help you make the right breakfast choices. Especially when you have had an eventful day and your body needs to recharge, dinner can help do wonders. This does not mean that whatever dieting you have done throughout the day will come to an end at the last meal. In fact, dinner can have some great options. Here are 5 dinner recipes that can help with weight loss:

  1. Sweet Potatoes with a Touch of Jalapeno and Chicken
    Here’s your go-to low-fat meal that will fill you up. With just 312 calories per serving, this may seem like one of those options that are too good to be true. Yet it is not so. All you need is sweet potatoes, black beans, shredded skinless chicken, and lots of veggies.
  2. pesto chicken
    Chicken is your new best friend if you’re looking to shed those extra pounds. Adding pesto as a topping makes this versatile ingredient a healthy meal. To make it even more healthy and complete, just add a bunch of your favorite leafy greens and turn it into a salad. This fiber and protein rich meal is sure to taste good.
  3. chicken rice
    Health should not come at the cost of taste. It’s the promise of an incredibly delicious dinner choice. This easy and delicious Chicken Fried Rice is best cooked with lots of vegetables. You can also add eggs to it, either sunny side up or scrambled. Remember, the secret here is to add soy sauce and wild rice to make it healthier.
  4. Fenugreek and Moong Sprouts Wrap
    This yummy wrap is a time saver. The fiber-rich content makes it a great fit for diabetics. Fenugreek is a great way to stimulate the production of insulin and the fiber helps manage blood cholesterol levels, helping you lose weight. Since it will be a filling meal, you do not have to worry about midnight cravings.
  5. Avocado Salad
    Grab some tomatoes, avocados, onions, lemons, and parsley. Prepare a dressing with honey, lemon juice, mint leaves, salt and black pepper powder. Once you have chopped all the vegetables, mix them with the dressing. Remember to toss well. A healthy and complete salad meal is ready to serve.

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