5 Common Skincare Mistakes Men Must Avoid

Women treat their skin like babies, showering it with nourishment and care. On the other hand, most men are the complete opposite. She treats skincare like a luxury. With time, men are becoming more aware of its importance, and their skincare habits are changing as well. It would be a shame if they continued to make the following common skin care mistakes. If you’re guilty of any of these, it’s time to change your ways.

forgetting to wear sunscreen

Most men spend hours exposing their skin to the sun during their weekly commute, soccer games, lunch breaks, etc., and they often forget to apply sunscreen. In the long run, this can result in premature ageing, darkening of the skin, and in severe cases, skin cancer. So boys, be careful and apply sunscreen before stepping out.

neglect of basic hygiene

It is very important to maintain the basic sense of cleanliness. This includes washing your face and neck when you sweat, changing your razor blade or cartridge when it becomes dull, and keeping your hands and phone clean because they can easily spread bacteria. Maintaining basic hygiene will keep your skin clean, fresh and healthy.

not knowing their skin type

Most men are unaware of whether their skin is normal, oily or a combination of both. Unfortunately, their ignorance also leads to poor skin care choices! Therefore, men, it’s time to determine your skin type. Based on this you will be able to find the most suitable product for you.

Ignoring Skin Care Routine

Many men ignore the rules of skin care with the right products, be it due to laziness or ignorance about their skin type. It’s time to stick to a routine to look healthy and young. For example, if you have oily skin, use the Men’s Oil Control Face Wash and Moisturizer.

ignore facial hair

Men do not understand that their facial hair needs special attention. When washing your face, go behind the pores to thoroughly clean your skin. Choose the best beard or mustache oil to keep your facial hair moist and healthy. Whether you choose to trim or shave, keep your hair groomed and frizz-free.

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