5 benefits of eating curd and banana in breakfast

Yogurt and banana mixture is not only healthy but it takes very less time to make.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it is essential to ensure that it is highly nutritious in nature.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it is essential to ensure that it is highly nutritious in nature. Yogurt and banana mixture is not only healthy but it takes very less time to make. This dish is beneficial in many ways as the amount of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and iron in banana and high protein, sodium and calcium in yogurt helps you to start the day with the right amount of nutrients. .

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of consuming curd and banana:

weight management

Both bananas and curd are high in fiber, which results in faster fat burning in the body. Plus, the dish is filling in nature, so there are high chances that you won’t be craving your junk after eating it for breakfast.

strengthens bones

The good bacteria present in curd and the fiber present in banana increase the absorption of calcium in the body. This strengthens the bones and reduces joint pain.

relieves stress

The potassium in bananas helps to relax the muscles while the sodium in yogurt produces muscle contractions. So a combination of these acts as a basic balancing act and helps to transport nutrients to the cells. Additionally, the tryptophan content in bananas gets converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is said to help the body relax and also elevates a person’s mood.

not constipated

There is nothing better than a clean stomach in the morning. The fiber of banana and the good bacteria of curd help in bowel movement which can prove to be extremely beneficial for people suffering from constipation. The good bacteria present in yogurt also help in maintaining good gut health.

high energy

The combination is a rich source of carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6. This nutrient-rich dish is known to boost your energy levels instantly.

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