4 isometric exercises for the lower body that should be included in the daily workout routine

Last Update: July 06, 2022, 19:10 IST

Isometric exercises basically enhance muscle performance without moving the surrounding joints (Image: Shutterstock)

Isometric exercises basically enhance muscle performance without moving the surrounding joints (Image: Shutterstock)

It is important to perform this exercise for the lower body as they aid in core stability.

Isometric exercises basically increase muscle performance without moving the surrounding joints. It helps in gaining strength which improves overall posture and flexibility. It is important to perform this exercise for the lower body as they aid in core stability. One should include isometric movements in your daily workout routine as they have been proven to bring amazing benefits.

Here are some isometric exercises for the lower body that will help you gain core strength:

1. Wall Sit

By focusing specifically on your quadriceps muscles, wall squats help improve strength in the thighs. No equipment is required for this. All you need to do is stand 2 feet away from a wall and lean your back against it. The knees should be bent until they form a 90 degree angle. Once the position is created, it should look the same as it does when sitting on a chair.

2. High Plank Hold

The high plank grip engages several muscles at a time. The parts of the body that feel the tension are the arm muscles, chest, shoulders, quadriceps, abdominals and glutes. The correct way to do this exercise is to keep your hands on the ground and straighten your knees. The pose becomes somewhat similar before starting the pushup.

3. Side Plank

A side plank is a great way to work your obliques, which move along the sides of your core. The side plank pose is perfect when either the left or right elbow is placed on the ground and the feet are stacked on top of each other while the hips and knees are obliquely. The torso and hips should remain off the ground.

4. Glute Bridge

The glute bridge helps to improve the strength of your backside. This is a simple exercise that can be done lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms at your sides. Push off with your heels and keep your core up to get into the correct posture.

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