2024 लोकसभा चुनाव के बाद ही जनगणना होगी: अब पहली डिजिटल जनगणना कराई जाएगी; लोगों से पूछेंगे- कौन सा अनाज खाते हैं

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Census of India | Census unlikely to be held before Lok Sabha elections 2024

New DelhiOne hour ago

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This picture was taken during the 2011 census in Madhya Pradesh.  - Dainik Bhaskar

This picture was taken during the 2011 census in Madhya Pradesh.

The 2021 census will now be held only after the Lok Sabha elections. According to the report of the news agency PTI, the government has not yet announced the new schedule of the census. The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are to be held in April-May. Before that the employees have to update the voter list. In such a situation, it is not possible to start the census work.

Now whenever the census is done, it will be done digitally. This will be the first digital census of the country. In this, 31 questions will be asked from the people. The census work was earlier postponed indefinitely due to the Corona pandemic. The houselisting phase of the census and the updating of the National Population Register (NPR) was scheduled to be completed from 1 April to 30 September 2020, which did not happen due to the lockdown.

Deadline to create new districts extended till June 30
Officials said that in January 2023, the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India has extended the date of stabilization of administrative boundaries, creation of new districts or sub-districts till June 30.

It will take time to give training, Election Commission will give the work of voter list revision
According to the rules, the census can be done only after three months (i.e. after September 30) of freezing the boundaries of district, tehsil, block and police station. It will also take 2-3 months to give training to those 30 lakh government employees/teachers of the country who go door-to-door to conduct census.

Meanwhile, the Election Commission will also start the work of scrutiny of voter lists for the next general elections. Since the priority will change, it is likely that the census will take place only after the Lok Sabha elections.

First digital census of 21st century

This exercise will be the first digital census whenever it happens. That is, in this people will get a chance to fill their own information. NPR has been made mandatory for those who want to fill the census form themselves instead of government employees.

For this, it will be necessary for people to give their Aadhaar and mobile number. However, the census authority has not yet launched the self-enumeration portal for this.

This time the public will be asked these questions
According to the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, 31 questions will be asked in this census. These questions will ask- whether the household has a telephone line or not, whether there is an internet connection, whether there is a mobile or smartphone, what is the vehicle – cycle, scooter, bike, moped, car, jeep or van.

Along with this, apart from the main material of the floor, wall and roof of the house, its condition, the total number of people living in the house, it will also be asked whether the head of the family is a woman, whether the head belongs to a Scheduled Caste or not. Will go There will also be questions about the number of rooms in the house and the number of married couples living there.

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