20 महीने से भारतीय बच्ची जर्मनी की कस्टडी में: परेशान मां की प्रधानमंत्री मोदी से गुहार- मेरी बच्ची को वापस भारत ले आइए

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  • Distressed mother appeals to Prime Minister Modi; Said bring my girl back to India

New Delhi/Berlin9 minutes ago

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Mother Dhara Shah with baby girl Ariha Shah.  (File) - Dainik Bhaskar

Mother Dhara Shah with baby girl Ariha Shah. (File)

The case of Gujarat’s baby Ariha Shah, who got stuck in a child care unit in Germany, is again in the news. Ariha’s mother Dhara has sought help from Prime Minister Modi. Dhara said- Prime Minister, help me to bring my daughter back to India. Germany Child Care Unit has snatched our baby girl. He has been in the child care unit for 20 months. Despite the decision of the court, he is not being released.

Why is Ariha in the child care unit?
In 2021, Ariha was about 7 months old. Then his grandmother had gone to Germany. Due to his mistake, Ariha’s private part got hurt. After seeing blood in the diaper, the parents took Ariha to the hospital. Here he was accused of sexual abuse by the Germany Child Care Unit. After this the child was sent to foster care away from the parents.

Daughter Ariha with father Bhavesh and mother Dhara.  (File)

Daughter Ariha with father Bhavesh and mother Dhara. (File)

Now read the story of the mother.

Ariha’s mother Dhara says- On taking the girl child to the hospital, the hospital people called the child authority and they took the girl child away. In December 2021, the case was dismissed as no case of sexual harassment was found in the hospital report.

According to Dhara- As soon as the misunderstanding was cleared, we thought that the child would come back to us, but the German Child Care Unit continued the case of parental custody against us. The Family Court has ordered that a report be prepared on the capacity to take care of our child.

It took 12 months for the report to come. It was found that the child is more attached to the parents. The child is less attached to the caregiver who stays with her throughout the day and more attached to the mother who meets only for an hour a day. It was quoted as saying that the child has Stranger Attachment Disorder, that is, the child gets mixed up with strangers quickly, it is dangerous.

However, it was also found that the baby girl is happy with her parents and is not afraid. For this reason, the child should be kept with the parents in the parent-child facility.

Demonstrations also took place in India 5 months ago to bring Ariha back to India.

Demonstrations also took place in India 5 months ago to bring Ariha back to India.

The Gujarat government had demanded to bring the girl to India.
After the verdict, the Gujarat government sent a notice to Germany and said that the girl is an Indian citizen. For this reason the girl child should be kept under the care of the Government of India. A lot of time passed in waiting for the court’s decision and now a week later, the German Child Welfare has shifted the girl to a new centre. Children with weak mind are kept here. Dhara said- I want Prime Minister Modi to intervene in this matter and join the girl child with us as soon as possible.

Baby being fed meat
Mother Dhara said that Ariha is going away from her customs as well. We didn’t eat meat, but in foster care he has to eat all this. Whereas, we belong to the Jain community.

Ariha’s parents want to take her back to India, but they are left with no option. They are afraid that their baby girl may be away from them forever. Because according to the rule, after keeping the child in foster care for a fixed period, he is not sent to the real parents.

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