15 घंटे पब्जी- फ्री फायर खेलता, आंखें घूम गईं: खाना खाते-खाते और  नींद में फायर कहता, घरवालों ने दो महीने बांध कर रखा

AlwarOne hour agoAuthor: Dharmendra Yadav

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This news is a danger alarm for every family.

Due to the addiction of online games like Free-Fire and PUBG, the mental balance of a 14-year-old boy studying in class VII deteriorated.

The situation became such that the child had to be tied up. The condition worsened so much that for the last 15 days he had to be kept in a special children’s hostel.

The case pertains to Moongska of Alwar city. The child’s name is Ramesh (name changed). Mother sweeps 6 houses in the city. Father drives an e-rickshaw.

The family got its first Android phone seven months ago. This phone was received by Ramesh’s mother in January 2023, where she used to go to work.

When Ramesh’s mother went home with the phone, the family felt that the online education of the children would be easy and other members of the family would also be able to talk well on video calls.

No one had any idea that the addiction of playing online games on the phone would ruin their child’s life. When this phone was in Ramesh’s hands, day or night, he was engrossed in this game only.

Missed eating and drinking, used to mumble ‘fire-fire’ even in sleep.

Read- How online game addiction ruined Ramesh’s life…

This is Ramesh, whose mental balance deteriorated due to online games.

This is Ramesh, whose mental balance deteriorated due to online games.

Got to know about online games from friends in school

Ramesh’s family members told that he did not know anything about these online games till the mobile came in the house in January. He started playing the game after getting to know from school and neighborhood friends.

Gradually in 1 month he got dangerously addicted to it that he could not live without playing this game. As soon as he got mobile in his hands, he would start playing the game straight away. Till late night, he used to play games hiding in the quilt and as soon as he woke up in the morning, he would again start playing games on mobile.

Free Wi-Fi network available at home, gets angry when interrupted

The family members told that free Wi-Fi network is available in their house. When the family members fell asleep, he would hide in the bed and start playing. He would have run away with the mobile too. When he was interrupted, he started getting angry. In the month of March, he used to play the game for 8 to 10 hours. He got so addicted that he started playing the game for 15 hours. Gradually his mental balance started deteriorating.

When the family members interrupted him, he started shouting at them many times. He ran away from home twice and went to Rewari. The family members brought him home from Rewari. After this, he had to be kept tied in the house for two months from April to May.

The whole family is troubled by this illness of the son.  He was also treated, but there was no difference.

The whole family is troubled by this illness of the son. He was also treated, but there was no difference.

father said – he used to play games all night

Ramesh’s father drives an e-rickshaw. That too is in bad shape these days. He told that Ramesh used to play games on mobile day and night. They didn’t know what happens in the game. When Ramesh’s health deteriorated, we came to know that he had lost his balance due to the game.

We showed many doctors, but to no avail. Eventually he had to be sent to a disabled home. Now he is being treated there with Cycastric. The doctor told that his nerves got stretched. Because of this his condition became like that of mental patients.

a month and a half ago suddenly his eyes wandered

Ramesh himself told that he used to play Free Fire game a lot. Sometimes he used to kill the person in front of him, even then he was also killed. He felt that he had lost the game, so he used to play again to take revenge.

When his parents went to work, he used to play games all day long. Everything was lost with studies. Suddenly a month and a half ago, while playing the game, his eyes wandered. Eyes stopped working.

Ramesh had got used to playing this game for 15 hours.  There is a task in the game to kill each other by firing.  (file photo)

Ramesh had got used to playing this game for 15 hours. There is a task in the game to kill each other by firing. (file photo)

used to fire at night even while sleeping

Ramesh’s elder brother told that Ramesh used to sleep very less. Didn’t pay full attention to eating and drinking in between. Even while sleeping at night, he used to fire in his sleep. There was fire on his tongue even during the day. His health deteriorated so much that his hands and feet started trembling. The body stopped working. Not only this, now he is not even able to speak properly.

Grandmother’s bad condition by crying

The household runs with the earnings of Ramesh’s mother. The father’s e-rickshaw was lost and now the whole family is worried due to the deteriorating health of the son.

The family members told that we thought that he would become normal after being shown to the doctors, but his condition kept on deteriorating. After this he was sent to Alwar’s Divyang Housing Home.

Here, grandmother and mother are in bad condition. She says that she did not know that her son would be in trouble like this. Grandma said that Ramesh had started using red toothpaste too much in between. He too was addicted to it. Later got addicted to mobile games.

Ramesh himself told that his condition is due to online games.  Now he is living with special children.  Says - will return home soon after recovering.

Ramesh himself told that his condition is due to online games. Now he is living with special children. Says – will return home soon after recovering.

This child is under stress from pubg and free fire game

Bhavani Sharma, trainer of Parmarth Divyang Kalyana Sansthan, said that this Ramesh is scared because of the free fire game. When we asked him, he told that he used to play Free Fire game and because of this his condition has happened.

This can be gauged from the fact that when he is asked what happens in this game, his fingers start moving.

His body starts trembling. He says only one thing that let’s fire in it and as soon as he says fire, he starts making gestures of firing with his fingers. He has come into depression because of this game. Earlier he was smart in studies but now his condition is not right. We are trying to fix it soon.

Mother said, if I had known, I would not have brought the mobile.

When the mother was asked about her son, her eyes filled with tears. She said that someone had given her the mobile as a gift. I had brought it thinking that sometime I would take photos of the wedding ceremony or other events. Had she known that her son would get sick from this mobile, she would not have brought it. Now I miss my son a lot.

The family members kept Ramesh tied up for two months.  When he was told not to play the game, he would run away from home.

The family members kept Ramesh tied up for two months. When he was told not to play the game, he would run away from home.

The child’s mind started focusing in one place, that’s why it happened

Psychiatrist Dr. JS Sharma, who is treating the child, told that a similar case had come to me as well. Its mother had given the smartphone and thinking that the child would not bother her. But, the child became a victim of online game addiction. He was not aware when it was day and when it was night.

And, this happened because his focus started to be in one place i.e. the game. Our mind works in three parts upper, mid and lower.

When the child starts focusing on one place, some parts of the brain start working less. The lower and middle part of the brain does not work. In this case, the upper part gives the wrong message.

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In such a situation, he does not even know what he is doing. Hands and feet start trembling due to the neurosystem of the body being affected. All this happened because of this game.

The child starts working only on the instructions received on the mobile

The expert told that for this it is most important not to allow mobile addiction in your children. A similar case came because of a Blue Whale game. When counseling was done, it came to know that he was about to commit suicide. Somehow got him out of this game. Games like pubg and free fire spoil the whole brain system.

Read these three cases of how dangerous online games are.

case 1

In Nagaur’s Ladnun, a 16-year-old minor strangulated his cousin to repay the loan of PUBG-Free Fire. Earlier, he had also sent a message to his uncle sitting in Assam with a fake Instagram ID, asking for a ransom of Rs 5 lakh.

Case: 2

A young man living in Churu got so intoxicated by it that he forgot everything. I left my job for the game. Played games all night. For this, neither slept nor ate food for five days.

Case: 3

A 14-year-old boy studying in class 9 in Kota committed suicide on 7 June 2020. It was learned that he was addicted to the PUBG game. Before the suicide, he was playing the game till 3 in the night.

The habit of firing is making you mentally ill

  • By playing games all day and living in the virtual world, the child feels that he has come to a different place.
  • The habit of firing with guns is making children violent. Apart from this, he is getting addicted to winning awards and money.
  • According to a study, children of 8 to 18 years play the most games. Because of this, they are getting irritable and angry.
  • Government of India closed pubg due to adverse effect on children

(Pabji was banned in the country in view of the adverse effects on children’s health and suicide cases due to it. The number of pubg users in India was 175 million i.e. about 175 million.)

How to know if your child is addicted

  • Child prefers to play online games instead of playing outside
  • If the parent refuses for something, the child gets angry
  • Playing games in secret for fear of being scolded or beaten by parents
  • Use mobile phone even during social gathering
  • The child started lying to play games with the family
  • Child started getting fat due to online game addiction
  • The child gets less sleep and problems related to health start coming to the fore.

How to keep children away from this addiction

  • Should be friendly with children from childhood
  • They should not be scolded all the time, try to explain them with love.
  • Make children an important part of the household so that they don’t feel lonely
  • Parents themselves should not be busy with their mobiles throughout the day.
  • Keep a close eye on what the child does and doesn’t do

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