13 students found corona positive in residential school, sent to covid care center

New Delhi: thirteen Students of Morarji Desai Residential School in Chanaraipatna taluk of Hassan district in Karnataka tested positive for coronavirus. maximum 190 people, including students and staff, were tested for COVID-19, out of which the results of 13 students came back positive.

All students who have tested positive are under the age of 18 and have not been vaccinated. The test was conducted after the Karnataka government issued guidelines to conduct a COVID test for all students every 15 days in all educational institutions across the state.

The nodal officer has said that all the students who tested positive are asymptomatic and were isolated in the school premises and are now being shifted to a COVID care centre.

Recently 48 nursing students in Karnataka had tested COVID positive. After that 99 more students tested positive in Bengaluru on Saturday, taking the tally to 281 on Saturday. Two South African nationals also tested positive in Bengaluru recently.

Taking stock of the situation, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai convened a meeting with officials and made it mandatory for people coming from Maharashtra and Kerala to undergo COVID-19 tests on arrival in the state.

After the meeting, the Chief Minister also requested the Center to allow booster doses for the general public and frontline workers. He also stressed on taking vaccination for those who have not received the second dose of vaccine in the state.

On the national front, the central government has made a list of ‘at risk’ that includes the United Kingdom, across Europe, South Africa, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Israel and Hong Kong. As reported by PTI.

Passengers arriving from or in transit from these countries in India will have to undergo RT-PCR. If tested positive with the Omron variant, they will be taken to a medical facility for isolation. If any other variant is found, the release of the patient will be at the discretion of the doctor depending on the condition of the patient.

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