দক্ষিণ ভারতের আমের দাপট বাংলার বাজারে, মালদার আম কি এবার মিলবে না?

World name of Maldar mango. In short, pride in Bengal. The whole of Bengal is looking at that mango and the same Malda has the power of the Chennai mango. The question is this, but this time Malda mangoes will not be available anyway?

But the matter is not so hopeless. Some traders say that there is a delay in the arrival of Malda mangoes in the market. There is still some delay in arrival of fully ripe mangoes. That’s why the Chennai mango has taken over that place. The mangoes of South India are in vogue in the markets of Bengal and also in the markets of Malda. Golpakha mangoes of Chennai. The cost of that mango is Rs 120 per kg. Other mangoes are also being sold at Rs.100 per kg.

However, mango growers are somewhat worried about the arrival of these southern mangoes in the market. The way mangoes are being sold in the market, there is doubt on the price Malda’s mangoes will fetch in the market.

Meanwhile, the Horticulture Department is keeping an eye on the exact quantity of mangoes coming to the market from South India. According to them, mangoes have ripened first in Kerala. Then mangoes started ripening one by one in other states of South India. From there Mango wants to capture the Bengal market. This trend has been seen recently. However, after the arrival of Malda mangoes in the market, the price of those mangoes is different.

Meanwhile, there is still a long delay in the arrival of Malda mangoes in the market. Before that South Indian mangoes are coming in the market. Can the mango of Bengal compete with that mango?

But according to farmers, South Indian mangoes will be no different when Malda mangoes hit the market. Because there is a transportation cost to bring mangoes from South India. To meet that cost, there is some problem in marketing of mangoes. That’s why Malda mango has always been appreciated.

Last year, the yield of mangoes was not much. However, in 2021, 3 lakh 71 thousand metric tonnes of mangoes were harvested. It is expected that this time there will be a good yield of mangoes. But even then it cannot be guaranteed. Natural environment, stormy rains, insect attack are many factors at work in this case. But there is absolutely nothing to be disappointed about. Bengali mangoes are available in Malda on the day of Jamishashti.