हिमाचल में 75% ऑक्युपेंसी: वीकेंड पर 90% होने की उम्मीद; पहाड़ों का रुख करने लगे टूरिस्ट, भारी बारिश के बाद 25% ने की थी कैंसिल

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  • Shimla
  • Tourist rush Himachal | Manali | Shimla | Narkanda | Dharamshala Spiti | heavy rain | occupancy | advance booking | Himachal Shimla News

Shimla38 minutes ago

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After the banging entry of monsoon in Himachal, the weather has become pleasant due to its weakening. Due to this, tourists have again started turning to the mountains. For example, the occupancy in hotels has reached up to 75 percent. It is expected to be 90 percent on the weekend. The tourism businessman is also happy with this.

Between June 24 and 27, after heavy rains, more than 400 roads, including the National Highway, were blocked by landslides at various places. Due to this, tourists especially going to Manali, Spiti, Kinnaur and Narkanda faced difficulties. Sensing the danger of landslides, tourists had also canceled advance bookings in hotels.

But, after the monsoon has weakened a bit, tourism from all over the country is ready to come to the mountains. Advance booking for this has started again.

Monsoon will weaken for 72 hours from tomorrow – Dr. Pal

Dr. Surendra Pal, director of the Meteorological Center Shimla, told that from July 1 to 3 i.e. from Saturday to Monday, the monsoon will weaken. During this, tourists can visit various tourist places of the state. However, Western Disturbance will be active from July 4. After this, the travel plan will have to be done considering the weather.

25% canceled advance booking – Sohan

Chiyog’s Highlander Home Stay director Sohan Thakur said that the tourists had made advance bookings till July 15, but after the rains of the past days, 25 per cent of the tourists had canceled the bookings. This has caused some damage to the tourism business. He told that after the weather has been clear since two days, now a good season is expected for the next two weeks.

Tourists are worried due to the closure of NH- ​​Anoop

President of Manali Hotel Association, Anup Thakur said that due to the closure of Chandigarh-Manali NH three days ago, tourists have to face a lot of trouble. After this, more than 20 percent tourists have canceled their online advance booking. However, since two days the tourism business has started coming back on track. More than 90 percent occupancy is expected this time on the weekend.

Tourism business started coming back on track- Narendra

Narendra Puri, president of Dalhousie Hotel Association, said that the tourism business in the area depends on the season. He told that the tourism business has suffered due to last week’s disaster, but now the situation has started returning to normal. Due to this, tourism business is expected for the next few days.