हिमाचल के देवी-देवताओं की अनोखी कहानियां, VIDEO: माता सोना सिहासन जादू-टोना का करती नाश, देव पुंडरीक ऋषि के मंदिर में नहीं मरती मछलियां

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  • Mandi International Shivratri Festival. Himachal Goddesses | Himachal Bhagwan Royal Family. Dev Pundrik Rishi, Mata Sona Sihasan Bagalamukhi Mata

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International Shivratri Festival is being celebrated these days in Mandi, famous as Chhoti Kashi of Himachal Pradesh. Some well-known Gods and Goddesses from far and wide of Mandi district have participated in this event. These gods and goddesses have become witnesses in the practice of God meeting since ancient times. At the same time, Chhoti Kashi has also resounded with the tune of their drums.

Mother Sona Sihasan, who has reached these deities, brings happiness and peace to the people by destroying witchcraft in her area. On the other hand, fishes never die in the source built in the temple of Dev Pundrik Rishi.

Now 2 days are left for this Dev Milan which lasts for 7 days. After 2 days, Chhoti Kashi Mandi will again become deserted, because the Gods and Goddesses will return to their respective places. This fair of Mandi was inaugurated by the Chief Minister, while the Governor will conclude it.

Mother gold throne.

Mother gold throne.

mother gold throne
Mata Sona Sihasan is one of the main ladies of the Mandi Raj family. His temple is about 17 kilometers away from Mandi district headquarter. This goddess destroys things like witchcraft along with happiness and peace in her area. Recently the temple of Mata has been built in a grand way. About 5000 people can live together under one roof in this temple. Mata’s temple premises is so big.

Dev Khudijal.

Dev Khudijal.

Dev Khudijal
Dev Khudijal has reached Chhoti Kashi Mandi after traveling 160 kilometers from Khudigad Saraj to participate in the International Mahashivaratri Festival. During this, the gods and goddesses also have to pass through the path of snow. During the time of Dev Khudijal monarchy in the year 1790 from his Bahli Kothi to Mandi to attend the Mahashivratri festival, he stops at places named Dhanaut, Bagdagarh, Ban, Kanda, Rajgarh, Sakroha and Bahna.

Dev Pundrik Rishi.

Dev Pundrik Rishi.

Dev Pundrik Rishi
Dev Pundrik Rishi has reached Mandi with his followers from about 100 km away from Mandi district headquarters. This deity is believed to be of the Mahabharata period, who had chosen Mandi district as his abode after doing severe penance. There is a big water source in the temple of this deity, which has fishes. The size of these fish never increases. It is said that these fish never even die.

Apart from this, this deity is one of the important deities of the royal family. They provide happiness and peace to the people in their area.

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