सेहत – एंटी-ऑक्‍सीडेंट से भरपूर ग्रीन टी कर सकती है लिवर को डैमेज, रहें सावधान – INA News Agancy


It is necessary to consume green tea in a controlled quantity.
Drinking more green tea can increase the amount of anti-oxidants in the body.
An overdose of green tea can promote bloating.

How green tea damages the liver, Most people like to start the day with green tea. Whether it is lemon green tea or ginger green tea, From weight loss to detoxing the body, its use is considered beneficial. Green tea comes in many types and colors. In a recent study, it has been revealed that excessive use of green tea can damage the liver. Green tea can also be responsible for problems related to stomach along with liver. Is it really, the green tea that people have been blindly consuming for years is dangerous for health. Let’s know about it.

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Consuming too much green tea can be dangerous
according to shape.com Consuming too much green tea can be dangerous. If someone consumes green tea extract, then this obesity, Can provide protection against cancer, heart disease and type-2 diabetes. But its excessive use can cause a problem called hepatotoxicity which is related to the liver. The herbs present in green tea can cause damage to the liver. Apart from this, the anti-oxidants present in green tea can cause stress in the liver. Taking it for a long time can make the liver weak. In some cases, it can also cause breast cancer.

How much antioxidant intake is safe
It is believed that green tea is rich in anti-oxidants. Excessive consumption can cause fatigue, severe abdominal pain and jaundice. This does not mean that its consumption should be stopped completely, but it is necessary to control its quantity. Researchers say that consuming more than 800 mg of anti-oxidants can cause liver damage. This means that 100 to 200 mg of anti-oxidants can be consumed daily.

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green tea side effects
There are many health benefits of green tea and there are some disadvantages too. Excessive consumption of green tea increases acidity and bloating. Its use can also cause mineral deficiency in the body. It has been seen in many cases that the problem of dehydration is caused by the consumption of green tea. Apart from this, green tea contains high amount of caffeine, whose overdose can cause headache and sleeping disorder. Excessive consumption of greens can cause liver weakness and damage. Green tea should be consumed only according to the advice of the doctor.

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