विनेश-बजरंग को विदेश में प्रशिक्षण की मंजूरी: किर्गिस्तान में फोगाट 25 और पूनिया 36 दिन बहाएंगे पसीना; टॉप्स ने 24 घंटे में प्रस्ताव किया मंजूर

Panipat7 hours ago

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A big news has come about wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia, who opened a front against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, former president of the Indian Wrestling Association. The Central Government has approved the training of Olympic medalist wrestlers Bajrang Punia and Vinesh Phogat in Kyrgyzstan and Hungary under the Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS).

Bajrang and Vinesh were spearheading the ongoing agitation against former Wrestling Federation of India president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh for the past few months.

Both had sent the proposal to the Sports Ministry’s TOPS team, which was accepted within 24 hours. According to a release issued by the Sports Authority of India, Bajrang will participate in a 36-day training camp in Kyrgyzstan. Whereas, World Championship winner Vinesh Phogat will take part in an 18-day training camp in Hungary after a week’s practice in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Vinesh will be accompanied by her physio Ashwini Patil, practice partner Sangeeta Phogat and coach Sudesh. Whereas, Bajrang will be accompanied by coach Sujit Mann, physio Anuj Gupta, practice partner Jitender and fitness specialist Kazi Hasan.

It was decided to stop picketing on the streets
Let us tell you that after 5 months of protest, women wrestlers decided to stop their protest a few days back. He said that his fight against Brij Bhushan will not be fought on the streets, but will now be fought in the court. In the talks held on June 7, the government had made some promises to the wrestlers.

On this, the wrestlers say that the government should fulfill all their promises and take strict action on the complaints of women wrestlers. The legal battle of this case will continue in the court instead of on the road. The wrestlers also said that as promised, the process of electing a new wrestling federation has begun. This election is to be held on July 11.

US also sought approval under Mission Olympic
Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, Sakshi Malik, Satyavrat Kadian and Sangeeta Phogat, who protested against Brij Bhushan, have sought permission from the Sports Ministry to go to America. He says that he wants to prepare for the Asian Games trials in Michigan. The Sports Ministry has sent it to the Mission Olympic Cell.

Whereas, Vinesh Phogat will play the competition. Vinesh will next month compete in the Paulic Imre and Varga János Memorial Competition in Budapest. Vinesh has also been given a coach and physio of her choice. The Budapest event is the fourth and final ranking series of the wrestling year. According to reports, Vinesh’s name was approved in a meeting held between the Adhoc Committee and the government officials recently, due to which she will now return to the mat after 10 months.

Vinesh herself requested to go to the competition
Bhupendra Singh Bajwa, head of the adhoc committee, said, “Last week Vinesh requested us to attend the Budapest event. She wants to slowly return to the competition. We always agreed and so we requested United World Wrestling (UWW) to extend the deadline for sending entries by a week. The deadline was then extended till June 20.

The names of their coach and physiotherapist have also been cleared for the July 13-16 competition. We have cleared the names of Sudesh (coach) and Ashwini Patil (physio) to accompany him. Those names were suggested by Vinesh.

Wrestlers clashed over getting exemption in trial
Six wrestlers, including protesting wrestlers Bajrang Punia, Sakshi Malik and Vinesh Phogat, have been exempted from trials. Olympic medalist Yogeshwar Dutt got angry on giving exemption to these wrestlers. He said- Was this the aim of the players who staged the sit-in? It’s a dark day for wrestling. Former India coach Kripa Shankar has also opposed this decision.

Vinesh Phogat has retaliated on Yogeshwar’s statement. She said that Yogeshwar kept preventing wrestlers and coaches from joining the movement of women wrestlers. The whole wrestling world understood that Yogeshwar was eating a liar from Brijbhushan’s plate. Yogeshwar leaks the names of women wrestlers to Brijbhushan and the media.

In fact, the Indian Olympic Association’s adhoc panel has reduced the selection process for the upcoming Asian Games and the World Championship to a single-match competition for six agitating wrestlers. These wrestlers will only need to beat the winners of the trials to make it to the Indian team for both these events.

The six wrestlers are Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, Sakshi Malik, Sangeeta Phogat, Satyavrat Kadian and Jitendra Kinha. These wrestlers will take on the winners of the trials from August 5 to 15.

Wrestlers Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik meeting Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad, who is undergoing treatment, at the district hospital in Deoband.

Wrestlers Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik meeting Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad, who is undergoing treatment, at the district hospital in Deoband.

Sakshi and Bajrang reached the hospital to meet Chandrashekhar
Bhim Army chief and Azad Samaj Party national president Chandrashekhar was shot dead on Wednesday evening. It is a matter of honor that the bullet touched him and came out. In an injured condition, he has been admitted to the district hospital in Deoband, where he is undergoing treatment. Wrestlers Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia who met Chandrashekhar arrived on Thursday.

Bajrang termed the incident of attack on Chandrashekhar as condemnable and demanded arrest of the accused. He said that today only those fighting for the truth are being attacked. Our only demand is that the attackers should be arrested at the earliest. Chandrasekhar has openly supported every time.

That’s why when it came to know that there was a fatal attack on him, he too could not control himself. At the same time, Sakshi Malik said that the culprits should get the harshest punishment. It is very sad and condemnable to attack a man who stands with everyone.

Let us tell you that Chandrashekhar had supported the wrestlers who were protesting against former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. He reached Jantar Mantar among the wrestlers.

These pictures were taken when the wrestlers were sitting on a dharna at Jantar Mantar.  Bhim Army Chief Chandrashekhar Azad reached there and supported the wrestlers.

These pictures were taken when the wrestlers were sitting on a dharna at Jantar Mantar. Bhim Army Chief Chandrashekhar Azad reached there and supported the wrestlers.

The attackers were in a Haryana number car
Police investigation so far has revealed that there were two people who attacked Chandrashekhar. Whereas, the third person was driving the car. The number of the miscreants’ car was from Haryana. According to Deepak Buddh, former divisional president of Bhim Army, on getting information on the state highway, eyewitnesses told that two people in the car fired at Chandrashekhar. Whereas, a person was driving the car.

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