लुधियाना में शहीद मनदीप की अंतिम विदाई: बेटी ने किया सेल्यूट, बेटा बोला- मैं भी फौज में भर्ती होकर देश की सेवा करूंगा

LudhianaA minute ago

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The body of Ludhiana’s Mandeep Singh, who was martyred in the terrorist attack in Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir, has reached his native village Channakoiya. As soon as the dead body reached home, the atmosphere became sad. The relatives hugged the dead body. And the martyr was saluted by his daughter Khushdeep Kaur. The martyr jawan will be cremated with state honors in a short while.

Martyr’s son Karandeep Singh, 8, said he wants to join the army like his father Mandeep Singh. He will also serve the country. He is proud that his father has given his life for the country.

The same daughter said that when the news of father’s martyrdom was received on TV, the family became completely inconsolable. The people of the village encouraged him that his father had sacrificed for the country. He is proud of his father.

Martyr Mandeep Singh's daughter Khushdeep saluting her father's mortal remains.

Martyr Mandeep Singh’s daughter Khushdeep saluting her father’s mortal remains.

Subedar uncle got inspiration to join army
Martyr’s uncle Subedar Jasveer Singh, retired from the army, said that Mandeep Singh was very passionate since childhood. He was inspired by me to join the army. Mandeep was the only one among his four siblings who studied till class 12th. So that he can be eligible to apply in the army. He said that his brothers were in business, but Mandeep was different and wanted to serve the country.

Called wife a day before martyrdom
Mandeep’s father had passed away a decade ago. On the other hand, the martyr’s wife Jagdeep Kaur said that Mandeep Singh had talked to her on the call a day before the martyrdom. Mandeep had last come home in February. During this he stayed with the family for a month. He had joined duty in the first week of March. Earlier Mandeep was posted in Ladakh. Recently posted in Jammu.

Martyr Mandeep's dead body reached the village.

Martyr Mandeep’s dead body reached the village.

The people of the village tell that Mandeep belonged to a very poor family. Mandeep Singh used to have a sense of service towards the country from the beginning. For this reason he joined the army. He served in the army for 16 years. Mandeep is married. They have an 8 year old son and 10 year old daughter. Mandeep Singh was the eldest of the three sons of late Roop Singh, former sarpanch of the village. Mandeep is survived by his mother Balwinder Kaur, wife Jagdeep Singh and son and daughter.

Relatives mourning

Relatives mourning

Mandeep was in the National Rifle Unit
Jawan Mandeep Singh was from Rashtriya Rifle Unit. They were deployed in anti-terrorist operations in the area. On Thursday, the terrorists ambushed and first opened fire on the army truck and then threw a grenade, which set the truck on fire. In which he was martyred.

The truck was going from Bhimber Gali towards Poonch
In a statement issued by the Northern Command Headquarters, it was told that the truck carrying the soldiers was going from Bhimber Gali towards Poonch. It was raining and the visibility was also very low. The terrorists took advantage of this.

Pictures of martyr Mandeep’s last farewell: –

Officers arrived with tricolor to wrap the mortal remains of Martyr Mandeep Singh.

Officers arrived with tricolor to wrap the mortal remains of Martyr Mandeep Singh.

Photo of Shaheed Mandeep Singh with his wife and children.

Photo of Shaheed Mandeep Singh with his wife and children.

8 year old son Karandeep Singh got emotional after seeing his father's dead body.

8 year old son Karandeep Singh got emotional after seeing his father’s dead body.

The family members of the martyr jawan mourn.

The family members of the martyr jawan mourn.

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