राजस्थान में राजनीतिक जंग: गहलोत ने वसुंधरा की प्रशंसा इसलिए की ताकि कांग्रेस के लिए चुनावी जंग आसान हो जाए

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  • National
  • Gehlot praised Vasundhara so that the election battle becomes easier for Congress

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Political debates and statements are at their peak before the elections in Rajasthan. Ashok Gehlot is a shrewd player of politics. Two days ago, when he fired sarcasm at the MLAs and office bearers who rebelled in the Congress, it was considered a normal reaction because all this has been going on between Gehlot and Pilot for months, years. Gehlot also cleverly praised BJP leader Vasundhara Raje. He also gave a very emotional statement in his praise.

Gehlot held a meeting at Rajkheda in Dhaulpur on Sunday.  This is where Raje was praised fiercely.

Gehlot held a meeting at Rajkheda in Dhaulpur on Sunday. This is where Raje was praised fiercely.

Actually, Gehlot wants to hit many targets with one stone. This is also the identity of his politics. There are many motives behind the praise of Vasundhara Raje. As it is rumored that Gehlot and Vasundhara Raje are supporting each other. Ashok Gehlot himself also knows that there is not an iota of truth in this rumour. Yet by praising Vasundhara Raje, they want to prove this rumor to be true. He has his own advantage in this. Means Gehlot’s.

Gehlot knows very well that if this rumor turns out to be true, then the BJP high command will never trust Vasundhara Raje and will not hand over the reins of the election to her. In fact, only the absence of Vasundhara Raje’s leadership from the election can pave the way for the Congress to come back to power. And there is no other reason. Because except for Vasundhara Raje, many sources are in Gehlot’s fist to defeat many other BJP leaders. The rest of the BJP leaders and Gehlot himself know this very well.

Vasundhara Raje said – No one else can insult me ​​as much as Gehlot insulted me in life.  They are creating such fabricated stories to avoid the historic defeat in 2023 elections.  Which is unfortunate.

Vasundhara Raje said – No one else can insult me ​​as much as Gehlot insulted me in life. They are creating such fabricated stories to avoid the historic defeat in 2023 elections. Which is unfortunate.

As far as the question of Vasundhara Raje and Ashok Gehlot is concerned, the whole of Rajasthan has been watching their party enmity for years. Both do not like each other with a split eye. Whether it is about statements or accusing each other, the fierce battle that took place between these two, must have happened less between other politicians. However, politics is politics.

Vasundhara Raje also responded to Gehlot’s attack. He said – No one else can do as much damage as Gehlot has done to me and the BJP. Not only this, Vasundhara retorted that Gehlot keeps giving statements about taking money by Congress MLAs, but the matter remains limited to statements only.

Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat tweeted after Gehlot's statement.  Wrote- Gehlot is the number one liar.

Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat tweeted after Gehlot’s statement. Wrote- Gehlot is the number one liar.

If Gehlot has courage, then why doesn’t he get an FIR lodged against the MLAs who took bribe? Then, as far as horse-trading of MLAs is concerned, Ashok Gehlot himself is the most expert in this. What did he do in 2008 and 2018 after finally coming in minority?

However, juggling of statements is going on in Rajasthan. In whose favor this juggling will be converted into votes, only the future will tell.

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