भास्कर अपडेट्स: गुजरात विधानसभा में BBC के खिलाफ प्रस्ताव पारित, डॉक्यूमेंट्री मामले में सख्त कार्रवाई का किया अनुरोध

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • breaking news live updates; former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi; policy commission

7 hours ago

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Gujarat Assembly on Friday passed a resolution against BBC’s controversial documentary, requesting the Center to take strict action against BBC.

According to news agency PTI, BJP MLA Vipul Patel, moving the resolution in the House, said that BBC has misrepresented the events of 2002 in its documentary. Under this, an attempt was made to tarnish the image of India at the international level.

Vipul Patel’s proposal was also supported by BJP MLAs Manisha Vakil, Amit Thakar, Dhaval Singh Zala and Minister Harsh Sanghvi.

Today’s other big news…

Naxalites kill youth in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli on suspicion of espionage

Maoists killed a 26-year-old youth in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli on suspicion of being a police informer. The name of the deceased is Sainath Naroti. It is being told that the Naxalites suspected that Sainath was spying on behalf of the police. However, the deceased was away from his village preparing for competitive exams and had come to the village on the day of Holi.

Indian-origin professor files case against American college
Lakshmi Balachandra, an Indian-origin professor at Babson College in the US, has filed a lawsuit against the Wellesley, Massachusetts business school alleging race and gender discrimination. He said that despite his research record, he was denied many leadership positions and opportunities to pursue research. Babson favors white and male faculty, the complaint said. Rewards are reserved for them only.

Lookout notice against former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, now he will not be able to go abroad

The Vigilance Bureau on Friday issued a lookout notice against former Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi. This notice has been issued against him in the case of disproportionate assets. Now Channi will not be able to go abroad after the lookout circular is issued.

There is more news…