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  • narendra modi bill gates meeting update | India Development, and Climate Change

New Delhi3 hours ago

American businessman Bill Gates met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India on Friday.

American businessman Bill Gates met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India on Friday. He discussed many issues including health, climate change, G20 presidency. Bill Gates wrote about this meeting in his official blog ‘Gatesnotes’ and praised India.

He wrote that I am in India this week. At a time when the world is beset by many challenges, it is inspiring to be in a dynamic and creative place like India. India is showing the world what is possible when one invests in innovation. I am more positive than ever about India’s growth in the health, development and climate change sectors. I hope India continues this growth and continues to share its innovations with the world.

Bill Gates wrote about this meeting in his official blog 'Gatesnotes' and praised India.

Bill Gates wrote about this meeting in his official blog ‘Gatesnotes’ and praised India.

Gates praised Indian corona vaccine and healthcare system
Bill Gates said that India’s amazing ability to make effective, safe and affordable corona vaccine is commendable. These vaccines saved the lives of millions of people and prevented other diseases from spreading around the world. It is a matter of pleasure that the Gates Foundation was also able to cooperate with India in making some vaccines.

He wrote, ‘India not only made life-saving vaccines, but also did a great job in delivering them. India’s public health system delivered 220 crore doses of corona vaccine through an open source platform named Co-WIN. Crores of people took an appointment to get vaccinated through this platform and after getting vaccinated, they also got a digital certificate. PM Modi believes that CO-WIN is an example for the world and I agree with him.

Bill Gates wrote that India not only made life-saving vaccines, but also did a great job in delivering them.

Bill Gates wrote that India not only made life-saving vaccines, but also did a great job in delivering them.

30 crore people got emergency payment through digital payments
Gates wrote that India adopted digital payments during the pandemic. 30 crore people got emergency digital payment. These include 200 million women. This was possible only because India made financial inclusion its priority and invested in innovative platforms like digital ID system (Aadhaar) and digital banking. This proves that financial inclusion is the best investment.

Gates wrote that India adopted digital payments during the pandemic.  30 crore people got emergency digital payment.

Gates wrote that India adopted digital payments during the pandemic. 30 crore people got emergency digital payment.

Governments work better with the help of digital technology
Bill Gates wrote that the Gati Shakti program is a perfect example of how governments can work better with the help of digital technology. This program digitally connects 16 ministries, including rail and road, so that these ministries can simultaneously carry out their plans for infrastructure projects and the work of Indian scientists and engineers can move forward faster.

India’s innovations helping the world
Gates wrote that India’s G20 presidency is a great opportunity to highlight how innovations made in the country can help the world. Helping them in all of India’s endeavors, especially taking India’s digital ID and payment system to other countries, is one of the Gates Foundation’s priorities.

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