बच्ची की झूठी शिकायत पर फूड डिलीवरी एजेंट की पिटाई: 8 साल की लड़की बोली- वह जबरदस्ती छत पर ले गया; CCTV से हुआ खुलासा

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Food delivery agent thrashed in Bengaluru on false complaint by 8-year-old girl

Bangalore39 minutes ago

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The case pertains to the Electronics City area of ​​Bangalore.  - Photo is symbolic

The case pertains to the Electronics City area of ​​Bangalore. photo is symbolic

A food delivery agent was thrashed by security guards and members of a society in Bangalore. In fact, an 8-year-old girl from the society had accused the agent that he had forcibly taken her to the terrace.

People thrashed the delivery agent a lot after the girl’s complaint. But when the CCTV footage was scanned to confirm the girl’s complaint, it showed that the girl had gone alone to play on the terrace. He lied to avoid scolding.

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Read the whole matter…
This case is from the Electronics City area earlier this week. In a society here, when the girl was not found at home, the parents reached the terrace looking for her. The girl told that the delivery agent had brought her here.

The girl also said that she bit the delivery agent’s hand to escape. Angry parents called the security guards and got the gates of the apartment closed. After this, the girl identified the delivery boy present in the campus and informed the parents.

Neighbors informed the police, but before the police arrived, people thrashed the delivery agent. When the police reached the spot and scanned the CCTV footage, it was found that the girl herself had gone to the terrace. He lied to his parents after they met on the terrace.

The police first checked the CCTV footage after reaching the society, in which the delivery agent was found innocent.

The police first checked the CCTV footage after reaching the society, in which the delivery agent was found innocent.

The girl left studies and went to play, so she lied
When the police asked the girl why she made the false complaint, she told that she had gone to play during class time. He was afraid that his parents would kill him, so he lied.

Delivery agent said – what would I have done if there was no CCTV camera
Talking to the media, the delivery agent said that everyone who was present with the parents of the girl child hit me. Security guards also beat up. I don’t know why the girl made a false allegation?

The agent said that I am thankful to the police that they saw the CCTV footage, with the help of which I was proved innocent. My biggest concern is what would I have done if there was no CCTV camera there.

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