फोन करना साबित हो जाए तो इस्तीफा दे दूंगी-ममता: TMC से राष्ट्रीय पार्टी का दर्जा छिनने पर शाह को फोन करने की बात पर बोलीं CM

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  • CM said on the matter of calling Shah for snatching the status of national party from TMC

Kolkata26 minutes ago

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West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has said that she will resign if it is proved that she called Union Home Minister Amit Shah after TMC lost its national party status. Talking to the media at the state secretariat, Mamta said that the name of my party will remain All India Trinamool Congress.

It may be noted that Shubhendu Adhikari, Leader of the Opposition in Bengal, had claimed on Tuesday that Mamta had called Amit Shah after the Election Commission revoked TMC’s national party status. Mamta had requested him to cancel this decision.

Bulldozer cannot be run on the constitution
Mamta said that BJP is in power, so it does whatever it wants. But they do not understand that power is temporary, the chair may come and go, but democracy will last forever. The constitution will continue forever, there may be some amendments to it. But bulldozer cannot be run on this constitution. That’s why they (BJP) will not win the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. BJP will not get more than 200 seats.

Mukul Rai is a BJP MLA, we don’t care
Regarding Mukul Roy, Mamta said that he is a BJP MLA and it is entirely up to him where he should go. You should ask his son Subhranshu who has filed a missing complaint. The administration will pay attention to their complaints. Roy’s family says he is suffering from dementia and Parkinson’s disease. They made a dramatic appearance in Delhi after a missing complaint was filed, claiming they wanted to meet BJP MPs and MLAs and Amit Shah. He was never with TMC and will continue to work for BJP.

After parting ways with TMC, Roy won the 2021 assembly elections on a BJP ticket, but later went back to the party. He accused the BJP leadership of misbehaving.

Also read this news related to Mamta Banerjee:

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West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has said that it is being heard that now we will not get funds till the year 2024. If this happens, if needed, I will beg in front of the mothers of Bengal, but I will never go to Delhi (to the central government) to beg. Mamta was addressing a public meeting in Kolkata on Thursday, during which she said these things. Read full news…

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Before sitting on dharna, Mamta paid tribute to BR Ambedkar.

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