पीपुल्स कॉन्फ्रेंस अध्यक्ष बोले- गलतफहमी थी आप सबके PM हैं: जम्मू-कश्मीर में जिन घरों पर बुलडोजर चले, उनमें 90-95% मुस्लिम

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Sajjad Lone vs PM Narendra Modi; Anti-encroachment campaign in Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar2 minutes ago

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Anti-encroachment campaign is being conducted in 20 districts of Jammu and Kashmir. Bulldozers have been run on many buildings so far to free the alleged government land. People’s Conference President Sajjad Lone said, seeing religion in this campaign, bulldozers are being run on people’s homes. Of those who have been processed, 90-95% are Muslims.

Sajjad has appealed to PM Modi to intervene in this matter. He said that I had misunderstood that you are everyone’s Prime Minister. Please tell me who is my prime minister? Who is the Prime Minister of the poor people?

This picture is of People's Conference President Sajjad Lone.  He has appealed to PM Modi to intervene in the ongoing anti-encroachment campaign in Jammu and Kashmir.

This picture is of People’s Conference President Sajjad Lone. He has appealed to PM Modi to intervene in the ongoing anti-encroachment campaign in Jammu and Kashmir.

anti-encroachment campaign is a conspiracy
People’s Conference president Sajjad Lone said that Muslims are being targeted as part of a conspiracy to prove that Muslims work against the administration. Last week, there was stone pelting during the administration’s action, after which five people have been arrested and four people have been detained.

Mehboobi Mufti said- this is a campaign to make Kashmir a Palestine
Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti said that this demolition drive is turning Kashmir into a situation worse than Palestine. The central government wants to make Jammu and Kashmir like Afghanistan.

At the same time, former CM and National Conference leader Omar Abdullah said that the government is again making people landless. This is an attempt to thwart Sheikh Abdullah’s effort to give land ownership rights to landless farmers in Kashmir in the 1950s.

The rules are not being followed in this campaign. If someone has illegally occupied the land, then first give notice to him. People should get time to reply to the notice. After this action can be taken, but the government reaches with bulldozers without giving any notice.

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