पलवल में 2 साल बाद महिला की हत्या में खुलासा: GB रोड की वेश्या से लव-मैरिज की; शव सूटकेस में डाल नहर में बहाया

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  • Murder of wife in Palwal, dead body in canal, cyber fraud, courtesan love marriage on GB Road. palwal female murder update

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Accused Hemant Verma and Lalit in police custody.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Accused Hemant Verma and Lalit in police custody.

The police made a big disclosure after the interrogation of the youth arrested for cyber fraud in Palwal, Haryana. He strangulated his wife to death two years ago and threw the body in a suitcase and threw it into the canal. He had a love-marriage with a prostitute girl on GB Road in Delhi. Murdered after a drunken brawl. The police had recovered the dead body from the Chhata Canal, but then the identity of the girl could not be ascertained. After 2 years, now the mystery of murder has been revealed.

Read how the secret was revealed…

Police arrested 3 cyber thugs
Palwal DSP Sandeep Mor told reporters that the team led by CIA in-charge Mohammad Ilyas arrested 3 cyber thugs from Alhapur village on 3 July. Cyber ​​thugs were cheating people in the name of getting loans by running a call center in a house in Alhapur. The police had arrested the operators Lalit, Bhavna and Ajit.

During interrogation, the fourth accused was found
During the remand, accused Lalit told that along with him his brother-in-law Hemant Verma, a resident of Krishna Colony, is also involved in this gang. At the instance of Lalit, the police also arrested the fourth accused Hemant Verma. The DSP told that when Hemant Verma was strictly questioned, he made a big disclosure.

The fourth accused told the whole story of the murder.

Used to go to GB Road, fell in love with a prostitute there, then did love marriage.
Hemant, the fourth accused of cyber fraud, told the police that he had a love marriage in the court after falling in love with a prostitute on GB Road in Delhi. He often used to visit GB Road. During this he fell in love with the girl. In the year January 2021, he brought the girl to Krishna Colony and both started living together. His wife was addicted to alcohol.

Wife asked for liquor, both drank, then when there was a fight, she strangled
According to Hemant, on 12 November 2021, his wife expressed her desire to drink alcohol. After this he brought liquor home and both of them drank. There was a fight between the two under the influence of alcohol. He strangulated his wife to death in a quarrel. He was scared after committing the murder. He told his father Rajendra and mother Seema about the murder at home.

Hemant Verma arrested for killing his wife.

Hemant Verma arrested for killing his wife.

Went to brother-in-law’s house with the dead body in an auto, then took it in the car and threw it in the canal
Later he contacted his brother-in-law Lalit and sister Neetu, then the brother-in-law asked to bring the dead body to his house in Alhapur. After packing the dead body in a suitcase, he kept it in an auto and reached his brother-in-law’s house. From there, keeping the dead body in brother-in-law’s car, threw it in a canal near Chhata (UP) and came back.

Police said – was not identified then, told the local police
DSP Sandeep Mor said that the Chhata police recovered the body from the canal and registered a case of murder against the unknown. But the girl could not be identified. The CIA has informed the Chhata police about the arrest of the accused in the case.

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