पंजाब में प्राइवेट अस्पताल-परिवार आमने सामने: परिजनों ने कहा- मरीज मृत घोषित किया, डॉक्टर बोले- हालत क्रिटिकल थी, डैड डिक्लेयर नहीं किया

Hoshiarpur18 hours ago

People of village Nangal Shaheedan have staged a sit-in outside a private hospital in Hoshiarpur in Punjab. People allege that the patient who was declared dead by the hospital saying that he will die as soon as he is taken off the ventilator, has returned home safely within a day after reaching PGI Chandigarh without a ventilator.

On the other hand, the doctor of the hospital denied the allegations outright and said that if a patient is on ventilator, not only he but no other doctor in the world can declare him dead. Doctor Arshad of the hospital said that the people who had come with patient Bahadur Singh were telling him that he had died if put on ventilator. Allow him to take you home.

Dr. Arshad said that if the family members have any proof that the doctor has declared the patient dead, then they should show it. He said that the patient’s condition was critical and on the insistence of the relatives, the patient was asked to be referred to PGI through Civil Hospital. So that they don’t have to stand in line there. The doctor said that the family members were insisting to remove the pipe which had been inserted for breathing.

person sitting outside the hospital
Bahadur Singh’s wife told that her husband had complained of normal cough. She took him to a private hospital at Ram Colony Camp in Hoshiarpur. The hospitalists admitted him to the hospital stating that it was a serious matter and later said that Bahadur Singh had died, but he did not believe the doctors of the hospital.

Immediately an ambulance was called and Bahadur Singh was put in it and reached PGI Chandigarh. The doctors in PGI kept Bahadur Singh admitted for one day and discharged him the next day when he was fine. Now Bahadur Singh along with his panchayat and family members is sitting outside the hospital with a firm dharna.

The one who said he will die as soon as he takes off the ventilator, reached PGI without support
Bahadur’s relatives said that the doctors at the hospital first cleared all their bills and later said that the patient would die as soon as the ventilator was removed. Alive only with the help of ventilator. When the ventilator was removed, he put Bahadur in an ambulance and took him to PGI Chandigarh. Reached PGI without ventilator support.

When I regained consciousness, I asked for a copy pen on the way.
Relatives said that a pipe was inserted around Bahadur Singh’s neck. When I regained consciousness on the way while being taken to PGI, I asked for a copy pen by pointing. Couldn’t speak because of the pipe in the throat. It is written on the notebook that he is suffering from the pipe which has been inserted around his neck. When told to the doctors in PGI, they removed the pipe and said that it was not needed at all.

Heart does 40% work

Dr. Arshad said that Bahadur Singh is already a heart patient. His heart is very weak and works only 40 percent. When the relatives brought Bahadur to the hospital, he was having trouble breathing.

He was immediately given CPR and placed on the support system. The next morning when he saw that he was not getting stable, he was put on ventilator. If the relatives had not insisted and taken him to PGI, the patient would have been cured here. But the relatives had taken the patient due to the expenses.

Will file a case after investigation
Seeing the protest demonstration outside the hospital and the atmosphere getting tense, the police also reached the spot. Bahadur Singh has given a written complaint to the police along with his panchayat and asked to take legal action against the hospital. Police station in-charge Model Town Harprem Singh said that the relatives of Bahadur Singh have lodged a complaint. The police will first investigate the whole matter. The facts that will come out in the investigation. Will file a case on their basis.

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