देश में फरवरी में बेरोजगारी दर बढ़कर 7.45% हुई: राजस्थान-हरियाणा में बेरोजगारी सबसे ज्यादा, छत्तीसगढ़-MP में सबसे कम

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • India Unemployment Rate 2023 State Wise CMIE Survey Updates | Rajasthan Haryana

19 hours ago

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The unemployment rate in the country in the month of February stood at 7.45%. It was 7.14% in January. Importantly, the unemployment rate in urban areas decreased from 8.55% to 7.93%. Whereas, in rural areas the rate increased from 6.45% to 7.23%. That is, the unemployment rate is still high in the cities.

According to the CMIE survey, Rajasthan and Haryana have the highest unemployment rates in the country. Haryana has 29.4% and Rajasthan has 28.3%. Chhattisgarh (0.8%) and Madhya Pradesh (2.0%) appear to be in the best position.

According to another report, the condition of rural women has improved in the last financial year. The unemployment rate among urban women was as high as 27.9%, while it was only 4.5% among rural women.

Government recruitments in the center and states decreased by 8% in 1 year… recruitment in states is less than pre-covid

  • According to the NPS data of the central and state governments, a total of 5,65,500 new subscribers were added in the year 2022. This number is 8% less than in 2021.
  • A total of 1.18 lakh new subscribers joined NPS from the Central Government. 65.2% of these people are between 18 and 28 years old. In 2021, the average was 67.8%.
  • A total of 4,47,480 new subscribers were added by the State Governments. Only 33% of these are between 18 and 28 years. This average has increased by 2% from last year.

Hiring in India grew by 10% despite global layoffs in the IT sector
According to JobSpeak, recruitment in India’s IT sector has increased by 10% in February 2023 as compared to February 2022. Whereas, the retrenchment has still not stopped in major countries around the world. Experts in this sector are in high demand. Like- Data Analytic Manager, Big Data Engineer, Cloud System Administrator etc. According to Nasscom, the size of India’s IT sector may increase by 8.4% in 2023.

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