देश- दुनियां – Russia-Ukraine War में बरसेंगे क्लस्टर बम! “अब न रहोगे तुम, न बचेंगे हम” – #INA – INA News Agancy

Country – World – Cluster bombs will rain in Russia-Ukraine War! "Now you will not be there, we will not be saved" - #What

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that Russia has a “substantial stockpile” of cluster bombs. He warned that Ukraine also had the “right to retaliate” if it used the controversial weapon. This has spread panic among the people of Ukraine. Now a big danger is looming over the lives of the people. Cluster bombs are extremely dangerous. If it is used from any side, Russia or Ukraine, then the massive destruction of humanity is certain.

Russia said – not yet used cluster bombs

In his first comments on the US supply of cluster bombs to Ukraine, Putin said in an interview published on Sunday that Russia has not used cluster bombs so far in its war in Ukraine. He said, “So far, we haven’t done it, we haven’t used it and we haven’t had a need.” However, the use of cluster bombs by both Russia and Ukraine has been widely reported and Cluster bombs have been found after the Russian attacks. Russia TV reporter Pavel Zarubin published excerpts from the interview on his Telegram channel on Sunday, ahead of the scheduled broadcast on Sunday night. The Pentagon said on Thursday that US-supplied cluster bombs have arrived in Ukraine.

Know what are cluster bombs

Cluster bombs are counted among other dangerous bombs after the atomic bomb. These are released from a height in the air and thousands of small bombs come out from inside, which cause huge destruction in the targeted place. A large number of people have died in the past using cluster bombs. This is the reason why many countries refrain from using cluster bombs. US leaders discussed the vexing issue for months, before US President Joe Biden made a final decision last week. Ukraine has promised to use them away from densely populated areas.

Ukraine is being destroyed by Russian airstrikes

Ukraine’s military said on Sunday morning that in the past 24 hours, Russia carried out strikes by two Iranian-made Shahed drones, fired two cruise missiles and fired two anti-aircraft missiles, in addition to 40 airstrikes and 46 attacks from rocket launchers. Donetsk governor Pavlo Kirilenko said on Sunday that two residents of the area were killed on Saturday, and another person was injured. Elsewhere in the country, two boys aged eight and 10 were wounded when an explosive device left by the Russian military detonated in the southern region of Kherson on Sunday, according to the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office. Governor Alexander Prokudin said Russia fired 69 shells into the Kherson region. (Language)

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Courtesy India TV