थ्री इडियट्स वाले वांगचुक लद्दाख में असुरक्षित महसूस कर रहे: कहा- हम जम्मू-कश्मीर में ही बेहतर थे

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  • Sonam Wangchuk; We were better off in Jammu and Kashmir, says activist in Ladakh

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Sonam Wangchuk (file photo).  - Dainik Bhaskar

Sonam Wangchuk (file photo).

Ladakh-based social reformer Sonam Wangchuk (on whose life the film ‘3 Idiots’ was made) said that he felt insecure after Ladakh was made a Union Territory. Now Ladakh cannot remain under Governor’s rule permanently. Sonam said that at one time he was a supporter of PM Modi. When Article 370 was removed from Kashmir in 2019, he welcomed the government’s decision.

Seeds of extremism are being sown in Ladakh
It took me time to understand how we are being affected since Ladakh was made a Union Territory. I never wanted to say this, but now I am saying that we were better off in Jammu and Kashmir. Now there are no security measures in the area. Now it seems that the administration in Ladakh is working hard to sow the seeds of militancy.

Wangchuk has fasted for five days
Wangchuk went on a five-day fast from January 26 at his institute to draw the government’s attention to several issues, including the melting glacier in Ladakh. Earlier they were going to go on a hunger strike at Khardung La Pass, but the administration did not allow them because the road was blocked due to snowfall. At the same time, the temperature was minus 40 degrees at the pass.

accused the administration of detaining
Even after this, Sonam tried to go towards the pass, but the administration brought her back to her institute and left her. After this, Wangchuk had alleged that the administration had put him under house arrest. However, the police dismissed Wangchuk’s allegations. Police had said that Wangchuk was stopped from going on hunger strike only in minus 40 degree temperature. After not being allowed to go to the pass, the Students Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh started a hunger strike at the ground.

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