चंबा के डल्हौजी खजियार में भारी बर्फबारी: जिला मुख्यालय से चुवाड़ी का सड़क संपर्क कटा, 12 से अधिक सड़कें बंद

Chamba14 hours ago

The faces of hotel owners and shopkeepers have blossomed due to heavy snowfall on Friday in Dalhousie-Khajjiar, a tourist destination located in Himachal’s Chamba. A thick sheet of snow has been spread in Khajjiar, a world-famous tourist destination known as Mini Switzerland, due to which snow is being seen everywhere. Due to snowfall in Dalhousie also, the tourists who came here enjoyed a lot.

At the same time, Chamba-Chuwadi-Jot road, the shortest distance connecting the district headquarters with Kangra, has been completely closed for vehicular movement.

tight contact with chuwadi
It had started snowing since morning on the Chamba-Jot road. Till evening, a thick sheet of snow has been spread here too. Due to this the wheels of the vehicles present here have frozen. For the next few days, the direct road connectivity of the district headquarters Chamba to Chuwadi has been completely cut off.

Roads will open when the weather clears
Public Works Department says that more than 1 dozen roads of District Chamba have been affected due to snowfall and rain. As soon as the weather opens, work will be done on a war footing to reopen these roads for movement.

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