गैंगस्टर अंसारी के बेटे की वक्फ बोर्ड जमीन पर घमासान: पूर्व CM कैप्टन की टीम ने दिखाए दस्तावेज, कहा- मान सरकार ने लीज एक्सटेंड की

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  • Captain Amarinder Singh’s team on gangster Mukhtar Ansari; Show the documents of extension land given to CM Bhagwant Mann government

Chandigarh10 hours ago

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CM Bhagwant Mann himself seems to be surrounded in the case of Waqf Board land given to the family of Uttar Pradesh gangster Mukhtar Ansari. Actually, Captain Amarinder Singh’s team has shown the same documents related to the land, which were issued by CM Mann and accused the Captain family.

Presenting these documents, Captain’s team said that AAP’s Mann government has also twice extended the lease (contract) of Waqf Board land given to Ansari’s son Umar Ansari and nephew. These documents also contain the date of extended lease and the receipt deducted in lieu thereof.

Hon’ble government extended the land and cut the receipt
Captain’s team told that Rs 89, 500 was taken by cutting the receipt on February 7, 2023, to extend the land of the Waqf Board. Then on July 27, 2022, after deducting the second receipt, took Rs 81,100. Before this, there was talk of having two renewal receipts of 73 thousand and 77 thousand.

Captain’s team said that on February 27, 2023 and July 27, 2023, CM Bhagwant Mann’s government was in Punjab. Asked if this means CM Mann has befriended gangster Mukhtar Ansari. He said that allegations were leveled against Raninder by CM Mann but neither he was in the government nor was an office bearer of the party.

It would have been better if CM checked the value date
Captain Amarinder Singh’s team showed the documents and said that it would have been better if CM Bhagwant Mann had checked the date written on these documents before releasing them. The team has sought an explanation from CM Bhagwant Mann in this regard. Also questioned that if the land was given to the Ansari family during the tenure of the Congress government, then how was it given extension by the present Mann government?

Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann alleges Captain's family in Ansari case

Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann alleges Captain’s family in Ansari case

CM Mann had made these allegations
Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann had said in the UP gangster Mukhtar Ansari case that former Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh should ask his son how many times he had met Mukhtar Ansari in Ropar Jail. Ansari’s wife used to visit here and stayed here for 2 months. Apart from Ansari’s wife, his sons were also served here. Mann had said that the Waqf Board land in Ropar is in the name of Mukhtar Ansari’s son and nephew.

UP government wrote letters 25 times
CM Mann said that the UP government was asked to send Ansari 25 times, but the Punjab government replied 25 times and sometimes he was held back by giving reasons like cervical, sometimes because of spinal pain and other reasons. . When the UP government went to the Supreme Court, lawyers were hired to stop Ansari. Now they are saying that when the money was not given to the lawyer, then how is the recovery.

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