गुजरात में डूबने से 5 बच्चों की मौत: तालाब में नहाने उतरे दो बच्चे डूबने लगे तो बाकी तीन उन्हें बचाने कूदे

Botad (Gujarat)5 hours ago

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Five teenagers died after drowning in the Krishnasagar pond in Gujarat’s Botad town on Saturday. Two teenagers had gone to bathe in the pond. While taking a bath, both went deep and started drowning. Hearing the screams of both of them, the other three boys sitting on the bank jumped into the pond one by one. In this way all five died due to drowning. All the deceased teenagers are between 13 and 17 years of age. All were residents of the same locality.

All the deceased lived in Sarangpur area of ​​Botad town.

All the deceased lived in Sarangpur area of ​​Botad town.

dead body found after one and a half hour
As soon as the information about the accident was received, the police convoy along with the Superintendent of Police, the fire brigade and the team of swimmers reached the spot. The fire brigade pulled out all five bodies after about one and a half hours of effort. The bodies were taken to the nearest government hospital for postmortem. All the children lived in the Mahmadnagar area.

The five were friends and often used to go for walks on the banks of the pond.

The five were friends and often used to go for walks on the banks of the pond.

all five did not know how to swim
The family of one of the deceased teenagers, Junaid Altaf Qazi, said that none of them knew how to swim. The family of the five children did not know when they left the house in the afternoon. About an hour before the accident, the five teenagers were sitting outside a shop in the locality itself. The five were friends and often used to go for walks on the banks of the pond.

names of deceased teenagers

  • Ahmed alias Bhavesh Wadhwania (16 years)
  • Ashraf alias Rumit Wadhwania (13 years)
  • Junaid Altaf Qazi (17 years)
  • Asad Arif Khambhati (16 years)
  • Faizan (16 years)

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