खालिस्तान समर्थक की गिरफ्तारी: कई नाकामियों के बाद पुलिस और ख़ुफ़िया तंत्र ने अमृतपाल को जेल की हवा खिला ही दी

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • After several failures, the police and intelligence sent Amritpal to jail.

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The police, the intelligence system and the Punjab government kept saying that Amritpal was hiding somewhere outside Punjab. Sometimes said he ran in the car. Somewhere he ran away on a motorcycle, but finally he was found in Punjab only. Just before his arrest on Sunday, he was delivering a sermon in Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala’s village Rode. Amritpal Singh is actually the head of pro-Khalistan organization ‘Waris Punjab De’. He came into limelight for the first time on February 23 when he attacked the Ajnala police station in Amritsar with thousands of people. The people accompanying him had guns, swords and spears.

The police could not do anything. These people were protesting against the arrest of Lovepreet Singh Toofan, considered close to the organization chief Amritpal. Amritpal actually wants his possession of Punjab under the flag of Khalistan. He says that this land is ours. Our forefathers watered it with their blood. We will take it. Amritpal’s social media activity shows that he was speaking out loud on some of the burning issues for the last five years.

He also became a part of the farmers’ movement against the three agricultural laws. Especially, the movement related to Deep Sidhu. At the Shambhu border, Deep Sidhu used to say that despite the repeal of the agriculture law, the movement should not stop, rather Punjab should be taken towards a major political and social change. These views of Deep Sidhu matched with the views of Amritpal. Although the two apparently never met, Amritpal had a crush on Deep Sidhu. Both of them used to talk through social media.

Amritpal has also threatened Home Minister Amit Shah. He had said in Budhsingh Wala village of Moga district of Punjab that Indira had also tried to suppress us, what happened? Now Amit Shah also fulfills his wish and see.

Amritpal's social media activity shows that he was speaking out loud on some of the burning issues for the last five years.

Amritpal’s social media activity shows that he was speaking out loud on some of the burning issues for the last five years.

Four days back, Amritpal’s wife was stopped at the airport and sent back. She was trying to escape abroad. Maybe, the intelligence system got some clue after questioning the wife or tracking her activities. Well belatedly, after many failures, finally Amritpal Singh was caught and he was sent to Dibrugarh Jail in Assam on Sunday itself.

It is a good decision to keep him in jail of another state. This decision must have been taken so that there could be no stir in Punjab regarding this matter. By the way, tight security is being maintained in many areas of Punjab. At some places on Sunday, the police also conducted flag marches.

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