खापों का आज हरियाणा बंद: सड़क-ट्रेनें रोकेंगे, दिल्ली में दूध, फल-सब्जी सप्लाई नहीं होगी; बृजभूषण की गिरफ्तारी और MSP मांग रहे

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Khap representative announcing bandh in Janta Sansad held in Bahadurgarh 3 days back.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Khap representative announcing bandh in Janta Sansad held in Bahadurgarh 3 days ago.

Haryana bandh has been announced on Wednesday by Khap Panchayats on various issues including arrest of Brijbhushan Sharan Singh, former President of Indian Wrestling Association, MSP on Sunflower and loan waiver. Apart from this, it has been said to stop milk and water of the country’s capital Delhi. Its announcement was taken unanimously in the Janata Sansad held 3 days ago at Mandothi Toll Plaza located in Bahadurgarh of Jhajjar district.

In view of the announcement of Haryana Bandh on the call of Khap Panchayats, security arrangements have been tightened across the state. Additional security forces have been deployed in the districts where the effect of the bandh is likely to be seen, so that any situation can be dealt with. Along with the bandh, Khap and farmer organizations have also supported the movement of farmers on the highway in Pipli, Kurukshetra. Apart from khaps, farmers, various political parties can also participate in today’s bandh.

Delhi may be affected by the bandh
If there is a widespread effect of the bandh in Haryana on the call of Khap and Kisan Sangathan, then its effect can be clearly visible on the capital Delhi. Because daily lakhs of passengers travel to Delhi by rail and buses. Not only this, along with the bandh, there has been talk of stopping the supply of water, vegetables and milk in Delhi. If the supply of milk and vegetables is affected like the farmer’s movement even today, then the people of Delhi may have to face a lot of trouble.

Committee of 21 members on 25 point demands
After the Haryana Bandh on 14th June, Bharat Bandh has already been announced on 18th June. For this, Khap representatives, organizations, business boards and political parties of different states have been called upon. A committee of 21 members has also been formed regarding the 25-point demands. This 21-member committee will hold talks with the government on the issue of MSP, loan waiver and arrest of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh.

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