केरल यूनिवर्सिटी में लड़कियां ले सकेंगी मैटरनिटी लीव: 6 महीने तक की छुट्टी मिलेगी; पीरियड लीव भी ले सकती हैं स्टूडेंट्स

15 minutes ago

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Kerala University students above 18 years of age can now take maternity leave of up to 6 months. After taking maternity leave, she will be able to join the class without any problem. For this, they will not have to do any process again.

The decision was taken at the annual meeting of the University Syndicate on March 5, which was presided over by Mohanam Kunnummal, Vice-Chancellor of the University. It was decided in the meeting that the principal of the college under the university syndicate can give permission to the students to join the class after checking the medical certificate.

Kerala University is one of the first 16 universities in India.

Kerala University is one of the first 16 universities in India.

You get maternity leave to take care of yourself and your child.

Maternity leave can be taken before and after the birth of the child. This leave is given so that the woman can take care of herself and her child.

Students can also take menstrual leave

Earlier in January, Kerala Education Minister R Bindu had said that all universities will have to give 60 days of maternity leave to their students. Together they had announced that students in all state universities can take period leave. Under this, female students have been given a relaxation of 2% in attendance.

Kerala Education Minister R Bindu had said that keeping in view the physical and mental problems faced by female students, the system of providing menstrual leave would be implemented in all universities.

Kerala Education Minister R Bindu had said that keeping in view the physical and mental problems faced by female students, the system of providing menstrual leave would be implemented in all universities.

In January, Kerala CM P Vijayan had said that Kerala would become the first state to provide period and maternity leave to female college students.

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