करप्शन के आरोपों पर वित्तमंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण बोलीं: कांग्रेस अपना मुंह डेटॉल से साफ करे, CM गहलोत पर भी ली चुटकी

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  • Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman; Wash your mouth with Dettol; Congress on corruption

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Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman lashed out at the opposition in the Lok Sabha on Friday. Responding to the allegations of corruption at the Centre, he said that Congress leaders should wash their mouths with Dettol. During this, the Finance Minister also took a jibe at Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot for reading the wrong budget in the Assembly. Taking a jibe at CM Gehlot, Nirmala Sitharaman said that God forbid such a mistake should be made by anyone.

Actually, the Finance Minister was answering the questions of the opposition regarding the budget 2023-24 in the Lok Sabha. During this, the Congress party was trying to corner the central government on corruption. That’s why the Finance Minister said – Hey, on corruption, you… Congressmen… clean their faces with Dettol brother. Congress leaders are getting up and talking about corruption.

During his speech, the Finance Minister also referred to the Budget 2023. He said that in this budget, the best effort was made to balance the fiscal deficit and the needs of development.

took a jibe at Ashok Gehlot
During the discussion on the budget in the Lok Sabha, Congress leaders Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary and Gaurav Gogoi raised the issue of high prices of petrol and diesel. Meanwhile, Sitharaman also took a jibe at the Chief Minister for reading out the wrong budget in the Rajasthan Assembly.

Please tell that Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot read the old budget speech in the assembly on Friday. He kept reading the old budget for some time, then Water Supply Minister Mahesh Joshi came and said something in the CM’s ear and he stopped. When Gehlot’s speech stopped, the opposition started creating ruckus. After some time, Gehlot apologized in the House. What happened yesterday in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly, read the full news here…

Rajasthan Water Minister Mahesh Joshi came near and said something in CM's ear, Gehlot stopped his budget speech and opposition started ruckus.

Rajasthan Water Minister Mahesh Joshi came near and said something in CM’s ear, Gehlot stopped his budget speech and opposition started ruckus.

Circle on increased VAT on petrol and diesel
Responding to the discussion on the budget, Sitharaman targeted those state governments which did not reduce VAT on petrol and diesel. He said that as soon as the Congress government was formed in Himachal Pradesh, VAT on petrol and diesel was increased. While the central government has reduced it twice in the last few years.

He said- It is the culture of the Congress that they will accuse the government, go out of the House, but will not listen. During this, he also discussed about VAT on petrol and diesel in Punjab. He said that as soon as the AAP government was formed in Punjab, VAT was increased on petrol and diesel, after which its price became Rs 95 per litre.

India fastest growing economy
The Finance Minister said that India’s economy is growing rapidly. The government chose the capital expenditure route to revive the economy because it is better. Responding to the opposition’s allegation of reducing the subsidy on food, Nirmala Sitharaman said that we have reduced the subsidy to 1.97 lakh crores, which is almost double. Subsidy for fertilizers was increased from 1.05 lakh to 2.25 lakh. So that the farmers do not find fertilizers expensive. The Government of West Bengal owes Rs 1,841 crore for the deployment of Central Forces.

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