करनाल में पत्नी को पीट घर को आग लगाई: पुलिस को शिकायत से देने गुस्साया पति, सास व बच्चों को भी पीटा

Karnal18 hours ago

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In Haryana’s Karnal, a man set the house on fire after assaulting his wife, children and mother-in-law. The fire increased so much that the fire brigade had to be called. Goods worth lakhs kept in the house got burnt to ashes due to fire.

In the complaint given to the police, Sapna, a resident of Hansi Road, told that about 16 years ago she was married to Mukesh, a resident of Delhi. Since marriage, her husband used to beat her.

After 1 year of marriage, she had come to her maternal home. After a few years, her husband also came to her, but he did not stop drinking. Always used to beat up the children and him.

The victim woman and her son giving information.

The victim woman and her son giving information.

put in the house after fighting Fire
On Monday evening, her husband Mukesh came home drunk and assaulted the children and her mother. Hearing the voices, the neighbors rescued her from her husband. When she was going to file a police complaint, her husband set her clothes on fire from behind. Due to which the fire spread throughout the house. On getting information about the fire, she reached the spot. After this Mukesh ran away threatening to kill him.

A view of the contents of the house that caught fire.

A view of the contents of the house that caught fire.

fire brigade vehicle extinguished the fire
Seeing the fire growing, people informed the fire brigade team. After the information, the fire department team reached the spot and after a lot of effort, the fire was controlled. The bed, fridge, AC and the things kept in the cupboard were burnt to ashes due to the fire.

Case filed against husband
Jaswinder Kumar, the investigating officer of Sadar Chowki, said that on the basis of the complaint of the victim woman, a case has been registered against the accused husband under various sections. The search is on for the accused.

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